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C-Notes: Community Service (service learning) Project

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1 C-Notes: Community Service (service learning) Project
Stnd: 8.2 P C-Notes: Community Service (service learning) Project 02/25/2014 Objective: SWBAT identify a project that solves or addresses a problem in their community and increase awareness.

2 What are some ACTION VERBS that address Community Service?
(project) impact (community) (project) solves/addresses (problems within community) (project) increases (awareness) ASK yourself: What problem are you solving? How are you increasing awareness? What are some ACTION VERBS that address Community Service?

3 When is the Project due? ON or BEFORE May 16, 2014 !
When it's cold, animals and people eat more than when it's hot Metabolic demands of people and animals increase with sickness or trauma, often in conjunction with anorexia. Sickness combined with anorexia leads to accelerated starvation.

4 When is Community Service project planning form due? (rough draft)
You will complete and submit the Community Service Project Planning form as a draft indicating progress towards your community service project. Draft is due by March 4th. Submit no later than end of day. Failure to submit your neatly completed form will further forfeit your ability to earn full credit on your Community Service Project. Do not let that happen. You have sufficient time to think about the project and begin. Many of your classmates are well on their way to completing their projects already. When is Community Service project planning form due? (rough draft) When it's cold, animals and people eat more than when it's hot Metabolic demands of people and animals increase with sickness or trauma, often in conjunction with anorexia. Sickness combined with anorexia leads to accelerated starvation.

5 If you need to do working lunches with your peers, begin to do so.
Ask your teacher about the concept of a “working lunch”. Remember, choose a project that you can complete given your time, effort and energy. Be thoughtful in your selection. Your project will be due May 16th. If your project is not completed and submitted by that day you are at risk of failing the class. When it's cold, animals and people eat more than when it's hot Metabolic demands of people and animals increase with sickness or trauma, often in conjunction with anorexia. Sickness combined with anorexia leads to accelerated starvation.

6 What are some examples of some Community service project ideas?
adopt a senior animal shelters women shelters tutoring (requires monitoring in a journal academic progress of the students) Food Drive (Easter is around the corner) Clothes Drive Recycling Operation Blankets of Love Documentary (idea must be approved) What are some examples of some Community service project ideas?

7 What are some examples of how you can increase awareness?
Flyers around school and the community Posters/Banner Video Community Service Fair Food/Can/Toy drive at school (Must ask permission via Mr. Boswell)

8 What are the requirements the project?
Organize a plan to execute a community service project with 5 or more steps Keep a journal (DATA!)  I need proof! Your journal should have entries of your experience every time you are doing this. You can also take pictures as EVIDENCE to log your experience. Presentation (if in a group, 1 per group) Formal paper in MLA format (everyone must turn in their own reflection paper) Provide EVIDENCE that you effectively impacted, increased awareness and changed your community. May be worked on alone, partner, or a group (no more than 4) Can be with anyone in your block or someone that is taking health from another block. What are the requirements the project?

9 What are the requirements the project?
There is no threshold for the number of community service hours you should have. You can go for quantity or quality. Requirements for the project to be credited towards your graduation is minimum of 40 hours. Having lots of hours will certainly look good, but having leadership role in your community service will look great even if you don't have that many hours. (Something to look at when applying to colleges and scholarships)

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