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Washington County Early College High School

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1 Washington County Early College High School
A Cooperative Innovative High School Rashard P. Curmon Principal

2 North Carolina has 130 Middle/ Early College programs.

3 Mission Statement Our chief priority is to inspire and empower scholars to be successful in one’s community, college, career and life.

4 Shared Values

5 Digital Portfolio for ECHS
9th Year 10th Year 11th Year 12th Year 13th Year sem 1 sem 2 sem 1 sem 2 sem 1 sem 2 sem 1 sem 2 sem 1 sem 2 English I English II English III English IV ENG 111 ENG 112 PED 110 or ELEC elective elective elective PED 110 or ELEC Digital Portfolio for ECHS Found M 1 Math I Math II Math III MAT 171 Required for A.S. elective elective College Algebra or Statistics E/E Sci. HS Elective Biology Chem/PHY BIO 111 Required for A.S. elective elective HS Elective World History Am. Hist: Civics High School ELEC HIS 131 HIS 132 PSY 150 or SOC 210 elective elective elective Am. History I & II dual credit ACA 122 HEA 110 SPA 111 SPA 112 ART 111 or PHI 240 5 Year Plan Starting w/ Foundations of Math 1 day a week HEA 110 & PED 110 satisfy H/PE Students will take college courses (electives) based on degree pathway Students will take college courses (electives) based on degree pathway

6 Digital Portfolio for ECHS
9th Year 10th Year 11th Year 12th Year 13th Year sem 1 sem 2 sem 1 sem 2 sem 1 sem 2 sem 1 sem 2 sem 1 sem 2 English I English II English III English IV ENG 111 ENG 112 PED 110 or ELEC elective elective elective Digital Portfolio for ECHS Math I Math II Math III MAT 171 PED 110 or ELEC Required for A.S. elective elective College Algebra or Statistics E/E Sci. HS Elective Biology Chem/PHY BIO 111 Required for A.S. elective elective HS Elective World History Am. Hist: Civics High School ELEC HIS 131 HIS 132 PSY 150 or SOC 210 elective elective elective Am. History I & II dual credit ACA 122 HEA 110 SPA 111 SPA 112 ART 111 or PHI 240 5 Year Plan Starting w/Math 1 1 day a week HEA 110 & PED 110 satisfy H/PE Students will take college courses (electives) based on degree pathway Students will take college courses (electives) based on degree pathway

7 Digital Portfolio for ECHS
9th Year 10th Year 11th Year 12th Year 13th Year sem 1 sem 2 sem 1 sem 2 sem 1 sem 2 sem 1 sem 2 sem 1 sem 2 English I English II English III English IV ENG 111 ENG 112 PED 110 or ELEC elective elective elective Digital Portfolio for ECHS Math I Math II Math III MAT 171 PED 110 or ELEC Required for A.S. elective elective College Algebra or Statistics E/E Sci. HS Elective Biology Chem/PHY BIO 111 Required for A.S. elective elective HS Elective World History Am. Hist: Civics High School ELEC HIS 131 HIS 132 PSY 150 or SOC 210 elective elective elective Am. History I & II dual credit ACA 122 HEA 110 SPA 111 SPA 112 ART 111 or PHI 240 5 Year Plan Starting w/Math 1 1 day a week HEA 110 & PED 110 satisfy H/PE Students will take college courses (electives) based on degree pathway Students will take college courses (electives) based on degree pathway

8 Digital Portfolio for ECHS
9th Year 10th Year 11th Year 12th Year Summer sem 1 sem 2 sem 1 sem 2 sem 1 sem 2 sem 1 sem 2 Junior Senior English I English II English III English IV ENG 111 ENG 112 elective elective College Cred College Cred PED 110 or ELEC College Cred Digital Portfolio for ECHS College Cred Math I Math II Math III MAT 171 College Cred College Cred College Cred College Cred E/E Sci. HS Elective Biology Chem/PHY College Cred College Cred HS Elective World History Am. Hist: Civics College Cred HIS 131 HIS 132 College Cred College Cred Am. History I & II dual credit ACA 122 HEA 110 SPA 111 SPA 112 College Cred College Cred 4 Year Plan Completing AA/AS (SPECIAL CASES ONLY) 1 day a week HEA 110 & PED 110 satisfy H/PE Students will take college courses (electives) based on degree pathway

9 Current Data - Fall 2018 Attendance Last Year ADM (17-18)
Last Semester 91.84% 98.13%

Current Data - Fall 2018 COMPARATIVE DATA OF FAILURES IN BCCC COURSES 2018 Spring 2018 Fall 2018 Failed % 10/27 37% 7/55 13%

11 Grade Point Average (GPA’s)
Current Data Grade Point Average (GPA’s) 2.80 and above (Qualify for BCCC enrollment next School Year) 58% 23% 2.0 and below 19%


13 Instructional Supports
Individual Scheduling English II Co-Teaching/Coaching ACT/SAT Prep Weekly PLC’s Target Group Parent Meetings Scholar’s Data Notebooks Weekly Grade Reflections/Conference Incentive Trips Vocabulary Instruction Seminar (Overcoming Obstacles) In-School Intervention After School Tutoring AIG Support (34% of scholars) Year-long Math I Teacher - Led Small Groups Instructional Supports

14 Great Things Are Happening!
August scholars will be taking full time classes on the campus of Beaufort Community College. High School Teachers certified to teach for BCCC. Tyrell, Hyde, Beaufort along with Washington County combined have 100 Early College students on BCCC Campus. Recruiting new students: Middle School (Jan 29), Parent Interest Meeting (Feb 7 at 6 p.m.) Great Things Are Happening!


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