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Acids and Alkalis Examples: Acid: Alkali: Base: The ions present in:

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1 Acids and Alkalis Examples: Acid: Alkali: Base: The ions present in:
Acids are….. Alkalis are… Alkalis and bases: Similarities: Differences: Neutralization is : A substance with a pH of: <7 is a….. =7 is a….. >7 is a……… Definitions: Acid: Alkali: Base: The pH scale is… soil sample pH of soil A 6.0 B 7.5 C 7.0 D 4.5 E 8.0 Which soil sample is neutral? Most types of heather grow better in acidic soil. In which of the soil samples should heather grow well? Cabbage grows better in alkaline soil. In which of the soil samples should cabbage grow well? What could the farmer with soil A do to make it better for growing cabbages? (2 marks) Acids and Alkalis Naming salts: e.g’s…. (including a balanced symbol equation for each e.g.) Magnesium + Hydrochloric acid Calcium Sulphuric Carbonate acid Sodium Nitric Hydroxide acid Making salts: Acid Salt formed Hydrochloric acid Nitric acid Sulphuric acid

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