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Nursery Yr.2 I can recite number sequences within a range of 0-20 forwards I can recite 0-10 backwards from any given number. I can recognise the symbol.

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Presentation on theme: "Nursery Yr.2 I can recite number sequences within a range of 0-20 forwards I can recite 0-10 backwards from any given number. I can recognise the symbol."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nursery Yr.2 I can recite number sequences within a range of 0-20 forwards I can recite 0-10 backwards from any given number. I can recognise the symbol for zero

2 I can recognise, identify, order and write numerals within 0-10.
I can match numbers 1-10 with their number names. I can order numerals to 10 forwards and backwards through song and games. I can find the missing numbers on a number line.

3 I can recall the number after from range 1 to 20
I can recall the number before from range 1 to 10 I can use first, second, third to describe order I can count a collection of objects understanding that it doesn’t change no matter where I start counting.

4 I am discovering doubles patterns
I know that a number value gets bigger when counting on and less when counting back. I can subitise numbers using spot patterns I can use the word “double” when recognising two quantities are the same. I am discovering doubles patterns

5 I can partition numbers from 2 to 5 into two parts e.g. 1 and 4
I can partition objects in different ways. I am starting to recognise addition and subtraction symbols I can solve small word problems using concrete materials.

6 I can describe that “fair shares” means equal amounts
I can describe that “fair shares” means equal portions I can recognise some coins and their values I understand that size of coin does not always represent value.

7 I am starting to add and take away coin values e.g. 2p and 1p = 3p
I can use the language of time in my daily routine. I can describe time in days, months, years and seasons I can link time vocabulary to specific events e.g I get up every day, I go swimming once a week.

8 I can describe time as o’clock, minutes, hours.
I can explore time through a variety of methods e.g clocks, calendar, timetable I can describe time as o’clock, minutes, hours. I can predict a length of time to complete a task and develop associated vocabulary. I can use appropriate vocabulary to describe and compare sizes e.g long, shorter, thicker

9 I can use non-standardised units of measurements e.g. cupful of sand.
I can order objects in order of size e.g widest to narrowest, longest to shortest. I can use non-standardised units of measurements e.g. cupful of sand. I can use appropriate language such as “pattern”, “repeat” and “over and over” I can recognise, discuss, duplicate and create simple numeric patterns e.g. 1,2,1,2..

10 I can name common 2D shapes.
I can describe shapes and objects using informal vocabulary e.g. pointy bit, ball shaped. I can name common 2D shapes. I can carry out simple matching tasks e.g shape jigsaws. I can use 2&3D objects in creative ways e.g. construction, art

11 I can follow instructions of positional language e.g. near the door.
I can demonstrate my understanding of position and movement vocabulary e.g in front of, behind. I can follow instructions of positional language e.g. near the door. I can identify symmetry in my environment I can state my preferred choice and understand that this is data.

12 I can contribute to a simple 2D data display
I can sort and arrange objects using one or two criteria. I can use one to one correspondence to match pictures to myself. I can recognise and interpret signs and charts within and out with my environment.

13 I can predict whether an indicated change to an amount will make it bigger/ smaller / same.
I can create collections of equal size by one to one matching of objects and adjust to make them equal I can talk through number problems discussing ideas e.g how many more will you need?

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