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June 19, 2016 Welcome! Praise God with your Heart.
John 6: 66-71 Lord to whom shall we go?
John 6: 66-71 Lord to whom shall we go?
Introduction: When Jesus talked about being the Bread of Life, it troubled some people…. a) He used figurative language, which sounded cannibalistic (Jn. 6:51-59). b) Difficult to understand, some were offended (those lacking faith). (Jn. 6:60-65) c) Many of His disciples left Him. (Jn. 6:66) Prompting Jesus to ask the twelve, “Do you also want to go away?” (Jn.6:67) Peter’s response serves as the text of our lesson… a) “To whom shall we go?” (Jn. 6:68a)
b) Peter acknowledged that Jesus alone has the words of eternal life (Jn.6:68b) c) Peter also confesses their (We), faith in Him as the Christ, the Son of the living God. (Jn.6:69) “the Holy one of God.” His question is one that we would do well to ask today. (For answers to our true purpose and mission in life, to find the words of eternal life, “To Whom Shall We Go?” There are many places we could turn to, indeed many do turn to, but they are not the right ones).
To Whom we could go. A) The opinions of the Majority…
To Whom we could go? A) The opinions of the Majority…..? 1) Many people look to whatever the majority believes a. What their peers think B. Whatever the latest polls indicate. 2) But consider the words of Jesus, in describing the end of the majority. (Mt.7:13-14) 3) If you followed the majority… a) In Noah’s day, you would have perished in the flood b) In Joshua’s day, you would have perished in the wilderness.
B) The Pronouncements of Human Wisdom……
B) The Pronouncements of Human Wisdom…….? 1) Many feel that human wisdom can lead them to truth and life a) Especially that pronounced by educated professors b) Or that pronounced by “pop” psychologists on talk shows. 2) But God’s thoughts and ways are not always our own. (Isa. 55:8-9) 3) In fact, God has chosen to save man in manner specially designed to confound those who depend solely upon human wisdom. (I Cor. 1:18-29)
C) The Proclamations of Preachers…
C) The Proclamations of Preachers….? 1) It is common for people to trust preachers, priest, or pastors. 2) They reason that surely these “men of God” could not be wrong or lead them astray a) Yet Paul warned of how we can easily be misled. (II Cor. 11:13-15) b) And Jesus warned about the blind leading the blind.” (Mt. 15:12-14) D) The Dictates of our Conscience….? 1) “Let your conscience be your guide” is the motto of many. 2) But our conscience cannot always be reliable.
a) Paul served God with a good conscience throughout his life
a) Paul served God with a good conscience throughout his life (Acts 23:1) b) Even at a time when he was persecuting Christians! (Acts :9-11) 3) Our conscience is like a clock, which works properly only if set properly. F) The Direction Of Our Feelings…..? 1) This is often where many turn. a) Who go by whatever “feels right.” b) Who place stock in things “better felt than told.”
2) Yet the Bible declares the danger of trusting in “feelings
2) Yet the Bible declares the danger of trusting in “feelings.” a) “There is a way which seems right…..but its end is the way of death.” (Prov. 14:12) b) “He who trust in his own heart is a fool….” (Prov. 28:26) c) “O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; It is no in man who walks to direct his own steps.” (Jere. 10:23) (None of these should be the ultimate source to where we turn if we are looking for the words of eternal life. As confessed by Peter, there is only one…) Jn.6:68-69
To Whom We Should Go. A) Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God…
To Whom We Should Go! A) Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God…! 1) As Peter confessed in our text. (Jn. 6:68-69) 2) He is the one who provides “food which endures to everlasting life. (Jn. 6:27, 35, 40) 3) He is the way, the truth and the Life. (Jn. 14:6) 4) Upon this One has God “set His seal” (Jn. 6:27) a) Confirming Him to be the source of eternal life. b) Through the miracles, and ultimately His resurrection. (Jn. 5:36; Rom. 1:4) *Yet how does one “go to Jesus” when He no longer walks on the earth? We must turn to…..
B) The Apostles of Christ, Inspired Of The Spirit…
B) The Apostles of Christ, Inspired Of The Spirit….! 1) Jesus prepared an equipped His Apostles to carry on and complete His work a) He told them of the Holy Spirit. (Jn. 16:7-11) b) Who would guide them into all truth. (Jn.16:12-13) 2) To receive the Apostles (apostolos, lit., one sent) is to receive Jesus. (Jn.13:20) 3) Thus the apostles were authoritative spokesman for Christ. (I Thess.4:1-2,8; I Jn. 4:6; Jude 17) 4) The received all things pertaining to life and godliness. ( II Pet. 1:3)
5) They did not shun to proclaim the whole counsel of God. (Acts
5) They did not shun to proclaim the whole counsel of God (Acts. 20:20-21, 27) (But how do we “go to the apostles” when they no longer live on the earth? We must turn to….! C) The New Testament, The Word Of God…! 1) The apostles wrote that we might benefit from their understanding. (Eph. 3:3-5) 2) We must view their words as the commandments of the Lord. (I Cor. 14:37) 3) Therefore we are to hold fast to what they taught. (II Thess. 2:15; 3:15; Jude 3)
4) As exemplified by the very first church in Jerusalem
4) As exemplified by the very first church in Jerusalem (Acts 2:42 (The words of the apostles preserved in their writing, can lead us to Him who alone has the words of eternal life) Conclusion: To Whom shall we go….? a) The answer must be “Jesus!” b) He is “…..the Christ, the Son of the living God” c) He alone has “….the words of eternal life.” 2) Where will you find Jesus….? a) Not in the words of modern theologians and filmmakers, who have sought to remake Jesus according to their own image.
b) But in the words of His apostles, eyewitness of His majesty and inspired by the Spirit to reveal all that we need to experience life and godliness. *Don’t let the multitude of modern voices lead you away from Jesus and His words of eternal life. Make sure that it is His apostles’ writings, the word of God, that leads you to Him who is the way, the truth and the life! The food from heaven, the Holy one of God. That is what is true nourishment for our souls. Who do you go to? The Majority, Human wisdom, Teachers and Preachers, Your Consciences, Your Feelings? Jesus is the only answer in heavenly matters, look for Him in scripture.
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