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Appalachia Projects Team Core Contractor HSSE Meeting June 22, 2016

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Presentation on theme: "Appalachia Projects Team Core Contractor HSSE Meeting June 22, 2016"— Presentation transcript:

1 Appalachia Projects Team Core Contractor HSSE Meeting June 22, 2016
Shell Appalachia Wellsboro Campus

2 Thank you for your agreement and accountability in this regard
Antitrust guidelines It is Shell policy to strictly comply with all Federal and State antitrust laws.  Meeting participants are reminded that during, before and after meetings, there shall be no discussion of competitively sensitive information, including, but not limited to prices, costs, customers, suppliers, output or production, commercial plans, allocation of territories or customers or any other discussion that could be viewed as restraining competition or limiting any person or company from free access to any business, market, customer or vendor.  Discussion should be limited to agenda items only.  Any questions about the propriety of a discussion item should be raised immediately and should be addressed with an abundance of caution.  Thank you for your agreement and accountability in this regard

3 AGENDA Breakfast Welcome, recognition and updated 2016 work scopes Projects HSSE stats, review proactive efforts log, summer safety tips and update on golf tournament Behavior Based Safety updates AECOM/Shell presentation – “Safety in Design” Break “Goalie of the Month” recognition and awards Contractor presentation – Wood Group Drug and Alcohol testing Q&A Wrap-up

4 Projects HSSE stats, proactive effort log and summer safety review
Goal Zero report Proactive log Summer safety tips

5 2016 Shell Appalachia Charity Golf Tournament recap
2016 update

6 Behavior Based Safety (BBS)
data 4/12/2019

7 AECOM/Shell presentation
“Safety in Design” link

Nominees The goalie represents: passion, focus, intensity, communication, poise, teamwork, tenacity, drive, preparation, conditioning, alertness, determination, shared leadership and wears the appropriate protective equipment with a single purpose: THE ACHIEVEMENT OF GOAL ZERO! The Puck Again, although a team effort and in many cases seen as just doing the job, the game puck is awarded for demonstration of one or more of the above attributes.

9 Wood Group/Elkhorn Pipeline Services
“The Safety Cocoon” Click here

10 Next meeting August 24, 2016 Wrap it up………………. Meeting take-aways…..
Thanks to AECOM and Wood Group for their presentation today. Who will present at the August meeting? Keep those “Goalies” rollin’ in!! Focus on: hands & driving, subcontractor mgmt. & short service employees 593 days at “goal zero”. We can achieve 2 years but today is our priority! Visible Safety Leadership - your visibility in the field makes the biggest impact!! Don’t forget to sign in on the meeting roster One way traffic leaving the parking lot and be careful entering US Route 6


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