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Comparison of molecular and pathologic features of stage II and stage III colon cancer in 4 large studies conducted for development of the 12-gene colon.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparison of molecular and pathologic features of stage II and stage III colon cancer in 4 large studies conducted for development of the 12-gene colon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparison of molecular and pathologic features of stage II and stage III colon cancer in 4 large studies conducted for development of the 12-gene colon cancer Recurrence Score® Michael J. O’Connell1, Ian C. Lavery2, Richard Gray3, Philip Quirke4, David Kerr5, Margarita Lopatin6, Greg Yothers1, Steven Shak6, Kim Clark-Langone6, Mark Lee6, Norman Wolmark1 1. National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project, Pittsburgh, PA; 2. Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH; 3. Birmingham Clinical Trials Unit, Birmingham, UK; 4. Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine, Leeds, UK; 5. University of Oxford, Oxford, UK & SIDRA, Qatar; 6. Genomic Health, Inc., Redwood City, CA

2 Disclosures M. J. O’Connell None
I. C. Lavery Honorarium, Educational grant, Genomic Health, Inc. R. Gray Educational grant, Genomic Health, Inc. P. Quirke Educational grant, Genomic Health, Inc. D. Kerr Educational grant, Genomic Health, Inc. M. Lopatin Employee, Genomic Health, Inc. G. Yothers Honorarium, Genomic Health, Inc. S. Shak Employee, Genomic Health, Inc. K. Clark-Langone Employee, Genomic Health, Inc. M. Lee Employee, Genomic Health, Inc. N. Wolmark None

3 Are Stage II and Stage III Colon Cancer Different Diseases?
Implications Clinical management Design of therapeutic trials Challenges Few studies sufficiently powered to examine stage by covariate interactions Clinical significance of observed differences

4 Interaction of Stage with Treatment: Data from NSABP Trials
Pooled analysis of NSABP C-01, C-02, C-03, C-04 showed no evidence of treatment by stage interaction* No evidence of treatment by stage interaction in NSABP C-07** * Mamounas 1999 JCO 17:1349 ** Kuebler 2007 JCO 25:2198

5 PETACC-3 Molecular Study Prognosis (RFS): Univariate Analysis
Marker Stage II (n=420) Stage III (n=984) Interaction HR p val MSI (Hi vs Stable) 0.3 0.004 0.7 0.06 0.04 18qLOH 2.1 0.03 1 0.91 0.05 SMAD4 (any loss) 1.4 0.21 1.6 <0.0001 0.23 hTERT (High) 0.32 1.5 0.01 0.92 p53 (High) 1.0 0.98 1.3 0.37 TS (High) 0.5 0.02 0.30 Adapted from Roth, et al. ASCO 2009

6 ACCENT: Differences in Survival Following Recurrence (Stage II vs III)
O’Connell 2009 JCO 26:2336

7 Large Genomic, Pathology, and Clinical Dataset for Development of the Recurrence Score
Colon Cancer Technical Feasibility Selection of Final Gene List & Algorithm Clinical Validation Study – Stage II Colon Cancer QUASAR (n=1,436) Test Prognosis and Treatment Benefit Standardization and Validation of Analytical Methods Development Studies Stage II/III Surgery Alone NSABP C-01/C-02 (n=270) Cleveland Clinic (n = 765) Development Studies Stage II/III Surgery + 5FU/LV NSABP C-04 (n=308) NSABP C-06 (n=508) Kerr et al. ASCO 2009, #4000

8 The 12-Gene Colon Cancer Recurrence Score (RS) Predicts Recurrence Following Surgery in Stage II Colon Cancer Risk of Recurrence at 3 years 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% Recurrence Score 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 | Prospectively-Defined Primary Analysis in Stage II Colon Cancer (n=711) RECURRENCE SCORE STROMAL FAP INHBA BGN CELL CYCLE Ki-67 C-MYC MYBL2 GADD45B REFERENCE ATP5E GPX1 PGK1 UBB VDAC2 p=0.004 RS = x Stromal Group x Cell Cycle Group x GADD45B Kerr et al., ASCO 2009, #4000

9 Objective Examine stage II and stage III colon cancer for pathologic markers and expression of 375 cancer-related genes, including the 12-gene Recurrence Score, and determine Distribution of markers Relationship of markers to clinical outcome

10 Methods 634 stage II patients with ≥ 12 nodes examined were compared to 844 stage III patients across 4 independent studies Focus on ≥ 12 nodes examined to minimize risk of understaging in stage II Study Treatment Stage II Stage III NSABP C-01/C-02 Surgery alone 62 139 NSABP C-04 Surgery +5FU/LV 66 171 NSABP C-06 119 273 Cleveland Clinic 387 261

11 Methods Pathology: MMR (IHC), T stage, tumor grade, mucinous type, nodal status Gene expression: Reference-normalized expression of 375 cancer-related genes by quantitative RT-PCR from manually micro-dissected paraffin-embedded primary colon tumor tissue Includes 12 genes from the colon cancer Recurrence Score Stage-specific associations with recurrence were evaluated by Cox regression, stratified by study

12 Results: Nodal Status Strongly Predicts Recurrence
Surgery Alone Stage II Stage III Proportion Event Free 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Surgery + 5FU 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Stage II Stage III 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Years HR for Stage III vs. II = 2.86 95% CI , p<0.001 HR for Stage III vs. II = 3.07 95% CI , p<0.001

13 Distribution of Pathologic Markers: Stage II vs Stage III
p=ns p=0.038 p=0.007 p=ns

14 Pathologic Markers and Recurrence Risk: Interaction with Stage
Interaction of stage and covariate HR 1 2 3 4 Grade MMR Mucinous T Stage Stage II Stage III p = 0.11 p = 0.07 p = 0.005 p = 0.11

15 Concordance of Mean Expression (CT) of 375 Cancer-Related Genes by Stage
14 Small absolute differences in mean expression of individual genes in stage II vs. III: median 0.09 CT max 0.58 CT Only 5 of 375 genes had significant (p<0.05) differences in all 4 studies 2 4 6 8 10 12 Stage II CT 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 CT Stage III

16 Gene Expression and Recurrence Risk: Interaction with Stage
    HR per SD in Stage II 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 HR per SD in Stage III 45 of 375 genes showed some evidence of interaction with stage (p<0.1) Expect 37 false positives by chance alone Interaction p<0.1 No significant interaction

17 Genes/Pathways with Stage-Specific Differences
Mean expression by stage: Metabolism: FABP4, SI Invasion: STMY3 Angiogenesis and migration: EFNB2, Maspin Interaction of gene expression and stage* MMR-associated Wnt pathway Signal transduction Proteases/protein degradation Angiogenesis and migration Immune response * 37 of 45 genes expected to be false positives

18 Average Distance Between Clusters Average Distance Between Clusters
Similar Coexpression of 48 Recurrence Risk Genes Stage II vs Stage III Colon Cancer UMPS MYBL2 CSEL1 CMYC NME1 HNRPD SKP2 RRM1 MCM2 RRM2 KI_67 CDC20 P16_INK4 P14ARF KLK6 GRB10 TGFBI LAMC2 P21 CDC42BPA HSPA1A S100A4 OPN__OSTEOPONTIN PAI1 GADD45B EGR1 STMY3 DLC1 IGFBP3 SFRP4 PDGFC IGFBP7 CALD1 TIMP3 TGFB3 SFRP2 INHBA FAP CTHRC1 LOXL2 SPARC COL1A1 BGN TIMP2 ANTXR1 ITGB1 AKT3 AKAP12 Average Distance Between Clusters 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 HNRPD UMPS NME1 MYBL2 CSEL1 CMYC SKP2 RRM1 MCM2 RRM2 KI_67 CDC20 P16_INK4 P14ARF GRB10 HSPA1A STMY3 LAMC2 S100A4 KLK6 TGFBI P21 CDC42BPA OPN__OSTEOPONTIN PAI1 GADD45B EGR1 IGFBP3 IGFBP7 TIMP3 LOXL2 SFRP4 PDGFC TGFB3 SFRP2 INHBA CTHRC1 FAP SPARC COL1A1 BGN TIMP2 ANTXR1 ITGB1 DLC1 CALD1 AKT3 AKAP12 Average Distance Between Clusters 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Stage II Stage III Stromal Genes Cell CycleGenes

19 Similar Coexpression of Recurrence Score Genes Stage II vs Stage III
Stage II Development Studies (n=634) Stage III Development Studies (n=844) BGN BGN INHBA FAP FAP INHBA GADD45B GADD45B cMYC cMYC MYBL2 MYBL2 Ki_67 Ki_67 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Average Distance Between Clusters Average Distance Between Clusters No evidence of interaction between RS and Stage (p=0.87)

20 Stage II Development Studies (n=634)
Coexpression of Recurrence Score Genes Consistency in Stage II Across Development Studies and QUASAR Stage II Development Studies (n=634) Stage II QUASAR (n=506) BGN BGN INHBA INHBA FAP FAP GADD45B GADD45B cMYC cMYC MYBL2 MYBL2 Ki_67 Ki_67 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 Average Distance Between Clusters Average Distance Between Clusters

21 Comparison with PETACC-3 Molecular Study
Results consistent with PETACC-3 PETACC-3: only MMR and 18qLOH had significant interaction with stage MMR/MSI appears to be a stronger prognostic marker in stage II than in stage III in both studies Important differences with PETACC-3 Quantitative RT-PCR Number of molecular markers assessed Requirement for ≥12 nodes examined for stage II All PETACC-3 patients received chemotherapy

22 Summary and Conclusions
Stage II and stage III colon cancer are remarkably similar for expression of the 375 cancer-related genes tested Cannot rule out stage-specific differences in other molecular markers that were not assessed For markers which differ between Stage II and Stage III, including MMR and a small number of genes, additional study is warranted to examine clinical relevance The 12-gene Recurrence Score, validated in Stage II colon cancer, appears to be stage-independent and should be tested in Stage III colon cancer

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