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Dentists’ Ranks to Welcome More Women

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2 Dentists’ Ranks to Welcome More Women
According to the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, there were 189,780 “professionally active” dentists in the US as of October The states with the most were California, 29,494; New York, 14,539; Texas, 14,460; and Florida, 10,713. Of those 189,780 “professionally active” dentists, 126,869 were men; 59,435 were women; and 3,476 were unspecified. The share of dentists who are men has declined from 70.2% during 2016 to 66.9%. Although the share of female dentists is still relatively small, or 31.3%, the American Dental Association expects their share to increase, since 48.5% of dental school graduates were women.

3 Fewer Dentists in Solo Practices
As is the case in other medical fields, the percentage of dentists in a solo practice continues to decline, from 52.0% (2015) to 50.6% (2017). In fact, during 2017, just 20% of dentists younger than 35 was in a solo practice. After the total number of hours dentists worked per year increased from 2015 to 2016, to 1,701.2, the total decreased for 2017, to 1,697.9; however, total hours increased for all general practitioners, to 1,701.3, but decreased for all specialist, to 1,686.3. Despite working fewer hours, 36.8% of dentists reported an increase in patient volume during 2017, as those who said they weren’t “busy enough” decreased from 27.2% during to 24.4% during 2017.

4 A Future of More and Younger Dentists
As of mid-2018, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) stated there were 10,802 fewer dentists in the US than the patient load required, resulting in 60.9 dentists per a population of 100,000. An American Dental Association (ADA) projection forecasts an increase in the annual number of US dental school graduates through 2022, but will generally remain the same through 2037, when the ADA projects dentists per a population of 100,000. During this 20-year period (2017–2037), the population of dentists will become younger, as those 55 years of age and older will decrease from 40% during the 2013–2016 period to 35% by 2037, and the number of dental school graduates increase.

5 Dental Practices’ Financial Health
The average annual income for all dentists during was $224,090. Those in a multi-dentist practice earned the most, or $290,780, while dentists in solo practices earned $223,000 and employed dentists earned the least, or $147,950. As expected, dental specialists had the largest annual income during 2017, at $320,990. Again, those in a multi- dentist practice had an even larger average, or $418,310, while employed specialist dentists earned $199,950. Average gross billings for all owners of a dental practice during 2017 was $790,520, with those in a solo practice averaging $820,530. All owners of general practices averaged $718,790 and all owners of specialty practices averaged $1,058,630.

6 Patient Visits Increase, Except for Specialists
Annual patient visits increased among all dentists, from 3,686.7 (2016) to 3,707.1 (2017). General practitioners drove the overall increase, increasing from 3,415.6 (2016) to 3,531.5 (2017) while specialists decreased, from 4, (2016) to 4,365.4 (2017). The average number of weekly patient visits increased for all dentists, from 76.5 (2016) to 77.1 (2017), with male dentists’ average increasing, from 77.6 (2016) to (2017), while female dentists’ average decreased, from (2016) to 71.1 (2017). Among specialists, average weekly patient visits decreased significantly, from 98.9 (2016) to 92.1 (2017), while general practitioners’ weekly average increased, from 70.5 (2016) to 73.2 (2017).

7 Ensuring a Healthy Smile for All
According to the Health Policy Institute, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and expanded Medicaid coverage and policy changes provided an estimated 9.8 million additional adults with dental benefits through 2017. The top 5 states that expanded dental benefits under the ACA were Kentucky, 141.2%; Montana, 125.8%; Washington, %; Arkansas, 105.4%; and Colorado, 94.0%. The percentage of dentists’ practices with any patients covered by public assistance decreased from 2016 to 2017, or 38.2% and 33.1%, respectively, with general practitioners decreasing to 32.9% and specialists decreasing to 33.5%.

8 Advertising Strategies
Recommend that dentists market to one of their primary adult audiences, according to The Media Audit data on page 4 of the Profiler, with a “Dazzle Them with Your Smile” concept to younger adults in preparation for a job interview. With the other primary audience, adults 55–74, recommend a “Your Smile Should Never Retire” concept, which would be perfect for TV to drive brand awareness and traffic. Dentists and veterinarians who specialize in pet dentistry could co-promote a checkup for patients and their pets at a discounted price and at the same location, which could increase interest, as people may be more comfortable accompanied by their pets.

9 New Media Strategies Now is the time for dental practices to forge a relationship with Generation Z via the use of stories on social media, Instagram, specifically. Young staff members could host videos about eating habits that promote dental health, protecting teeth during athletics, etc. Influencer marketing may also be an excellent social media strategy for dentists. Consider short videos of patients (who agree to be recorded) making short statements about the short wait times, the staff and dentists’ excellent patient rapport, etc. Dental practices can generate plenty of community goodwill and brand awareness with regular involvement/support of community activities and organizations and providing coverage of their events on the practice’s Website and social media pages.


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