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Welcome to Year 2! Mrs Hussain Miss Randeri Mrs Ustrana Mrs Rayner.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 2! Mrs Hussain Miss Randeri Mrs Ustrana Mrs Rayner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 2! Mrs Hussain Miss Randeri Mrs Ustrana Mrs Rayner

2 Overview

3 Year 2 trips Skipton Castle Planetarium Batley Girls twinning project – art Local walk to Batley (Tesco and the library) The Forbidden Corner Scarborough Please ensure your first instalment of the trip payment (£10 minimum) is paid to ParentPay by Friday 14th September.

4 School Uniform

5 School Uniform

6 Our Classroom Rules

7 Good to Be Green Our School Rules To try our very best.
To look after our environment. To always be honest and trustworthy. To treat everyone fairly. Good to Be Green

8 Year 2 targets To improve the achievement of boys and closely measure the progress of this group. 80% of children to achieve age related expectations To ensure the children that did not pass the phonics test pass at the end of Year 1 do so in Y2 We believe in working with parents to ensure every child achieves their full potential.

9 Boosters and Interventions
Intervention groups will take place during the school day. Booster groups will take place before the school day (letters will go out to the parents of children of whom these groups apply). - These groups are designed to ensure children achieve their full potential and are able to access the year 2 curriculum. These intervention groups will be available to all groups of learners. We believe in working with parents to ensure every child achieves their full potential. If children are selected for before-school booster groups, we would advise that they attend.

10 Homework Reading books for Year 2 will be sent out on a Monday. Children will receive two banded books (which are appropriate to your child’s reading attainment) and a book of their choosing from the new school library. Please ensure you read with your child at home and leave a comment in their reading record. Book bags need to be in school every Monday and Wednesday.

11 Homework Homework is sent out on a Wednesday and will focus on spelling and timetables. Spelling At the beginning of the half term, you will have been provided with a half termly spelling list to practice with your children at home. Maths By the end of year 2, children are required to know their 2, 5 and 10 tables to achieve age related expectation in Maths. Homework will focus on these.

12 Any Questions?

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