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HMO IPA Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Models Staff Model

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1 HMO IPA Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Models Staff Model
Group Model Network Model IPA Model Least common model Most common model Independent Practice Association Employ physicians on salary Contracts for only uncommon specialties and hospital services Contract with a single large multispecialty group practice Group practice is paid a capitation fee Contract with more than 1 group practice Variations: - Contracts with only PCPs who are financially responsible for specialty services, or - Separate contracts with PCPs and specialists Separate entity from HMO IPA acts as an intermediary between HMO and physicians HMO contracts with IPA IPA is the risk-bearing entity and is paid a capitated fee IPA contracts with providers IPA model (Independent practice association) Separate entity from the HMO (IPA acts as an intermediary between the HMO and physicians) HMO contracts with IPA. IPA is the risk bearing entity and is paid a capitated fee IPA (not HMO) contracts with providers The most common of the four HMO models.

2 Efficiencies of Managed Care Inefficiencies of Managed Care
Elimination of the “middle man” Risk-sharing by provider and MCO Coordination of services Focus on preventive care Fewer hospitalizations More outpatient provisions Providers must deal with multiple companies Constantly changing formularies 1 Prior authorizations may limit or deny treatment, or exclude some services Appeals for services are lengthy with no satisfactory resolution for consumers 1 A formulary is a list of medications approved by a health insurer for use by its beneficiaries. The efficacy of managed care was easy to deduce given the elimination of insurance and payer intermediaries (the middle man), risk sharing by provider and the MCO and coordination of services with a focus on preventive care with fewer hospitalizations and more outpatient provisions. The inefficiencies have been less easy to predict and have now become a bigger issue than first realized. Providers now have to deal with multiple companies, sometimes for one patient, and their accompanying “conditions” of treatment. This has resulted in constantly changing formularies, prior authorizations which limit or deny treatment and exclusion of some services. In addition, appeals for services not rendered by the MCO are lengthy and often have no satisfactory resolution for the consumer.

3 Features Advantages Disadvantages HMO PPO POS
Emphasize preventive services Carve outs for certain services (mental health; substance abuse) They are also closed panel Control over utilization and accountability for quality Use capitation to pay providers, which means maximum risk sharing PPO Contracts with preferred providers Discounted fee arrangements (generally 25%-35% discount off charges) Little or no risk sharing No gatekeeping but use prior authorizations for hospitalizations and expensive procedures Higher co-payments Little control over utilization and quality POS Cross between HMO and PPO HMO features are retained (utilization controls, capitation) PPO features (open plan option) are available at the point of service Have lost popularity due to high out-of-pocket costs Most Popular Option

4 Acquired Organization
DEGREE OF OWNERSHIP ACQUISITION MERGER JOINT VENTURE Organization A Organization B Purchasing Organization Organization A Organization B Acquired Organization Joint Venture Unification of 2 or more organizations by mutual agreement Creation of a new organization and sharing of resources to pursue a common purpose Purchase of one organization by another ALLIANCE NETWORK VIRTUAL ORGANZIATION Organization A Organization B Virtual Org. Resources Resources Agreement to share resources without joint ownership Alliances between several providers Organization formed using contracts (i.e. IPA)

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