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Writing Prompts 1/23/17 – 1/27/17.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Prompts 1/23/17 – 1/27/17."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Prompts 1/23/17 – 1/27/17

2 January 22 On this day in 1984, the Apple Macintosh was introduced. Since 1984 computers have evolved a great deal. What do you think computers may look like in the next 20 years? Be sure to include a sketch with your writing

3 January 23 Today is “National Measure Your Feet Day.”  If you could have any pair of shoes in the world what would they be and why?

4 January 24 On this day in 1848, gold was discovered in California at Sutter's Mill by John Marshall.  Would you have liked to have been an early miner?  Why or why not?  What do you think it was like for these men?

5 January 25 On January 25, 1924, the first Winter Olympics were held. What is your favorite event to watch during the Winter Olympics? Explain your answer If you don’t watch the winter Olympics what would you like to see as an event? Explain your answer

6 January 26 Today is “Australia Day.”  It marks the date that Australia was first settled in 1788.  Would you like to go to Australia one day? Why or why not?

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