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Introducing algebra: Forming expressions

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1 Introducing algebra: Forming expressions
Silent Teacher Intelligent Practice Narration Your Turn š‘„ divided by 19 š‘„ shared between 19 š‘„ less than 19 Practice

2 1) 3 more than š‘Ž. 1) 3 less than š‘Ž. 2) 5 lots š‘Ž. 2) š‘Ž divided by 5.
Worked Example Your Turn Write an algebraic expression for each of the following: Write an algebraic expression for each of the following: 1) 3 more than š‘Ž. 1) 3 less than š‘Ž. 2) 5 lots š‘Ž. 2) š‘Ž divided by 5. 3) š‘ multiplied by š‘Ž. 3) š‘ less than š‘Ž.

3 7 more than š‘„ 7 less than š‘„ 9 less than š‘„ 9 lots of š‘„ 19 lots of š‘„ š‘„ divided by 19 š‘„ shared between 19 š‘„ less than 19 š‘„ less than 3 š‘„ less than š‘¦ š‘„ more than š‘¦ š‘„ multiplied by š‘¦ š‘„ divided by š‘¦ š‘„ divided by 3 š‘„ divided by 3 and then add 2 š‘„ divided by 3 and then subtract 2 š‘„ lots of 3 and then subtract 2 š‘„ lots of 3 and then squared š‘„ lots of 3 squared š‘„ squared and then multiply by 3

4 7 more than š‘„ 7 less than š‘„ 9 less than š‘„ 9 lots of š‘„ 19 lots of š‘„
š‘„ divided by 19 š‘„ shared between 19 š‘„ less than 19 š‘„ less than 3 š‘„ less than š‘¦ š‘„+7 š‘„āˆ’7 š‘„āˆ’9 9š‘„ 19š‘„ š‘„ 19 š‘„ 19 19āˆ’š‘„ 3āˆ’š‘„ š‘¦āˆ’š‘„

5 š‘„ divided by 3 and then add 2 š‘„ divided by 3 and then subtract 2
š‘„ more than š‘¦ š‘„ multiplied by š‘¦ š‘„ divided by š‘¦ š‘„ divided by 3 š‘„ divided by 3 and then add 2 š‘„ divided by 3 and then subtract 2 š‘„ lots of 3 and then subtract 2 š‘„ lots of 3 and then squared š‘„ lots of 3 squared š‘„ squared and then multiply by 3 š‘„+š‘¦ š‘„š‘¦ š‘„ š‘¦ š‘„ 3 š‘„ 3 +2 š‘„ 3 āˆ’2 3š‘„āˆ’2 3š‘„ 2 =9 š‘„ 2 š‘„ Ɨ 3 2 =9š‘„ š‘„ 2 Ɨ3=3 š‘„ 2

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