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INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS SRI LANKA CENTRE Young Members Presentation 97 Software Tool for Broadband Matching by R. Jayanthan. BSc.Eng (Hons)

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Presentation on theme: "INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS SRI LANKA CENTRE Young Members Presentation 97 Software Tool for Broadband Matching by R. Jayanthan. BSc.Eng (Hons)"— Presentation transcript:

1 INSTITUTION OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS SRI LANKA CENTRE Young Members Presentation 97 Software Tool for Broadband Matching by R. Jayanthan. BSc.Eng (Hons) Project Members: 1. R Jayanthan (BC Software Systems) 2. ML Gunawardena (Informatics) 3. YLPM Wijedoru (Unilevers) University of Moratuwa

2 R. Jayanthan: Software Tools for Broadband Matching, 1997 Software Tool for Broadband Matching Antenna, Broadband Matching & Smith Chart Software Tool RFCAD RFCAD - Practical Application Merits and Salient Features of the Software Software Architecture Summary

3 R. Jayanthan: Software Tools for Broadband Matching, 1997 Antenna and Broadband Matching Z in E in Z in Equivalent Circuit of an Antenna Z in = g(f) Input Impedance (A Complex Number) Frequency of Operation

4 R. Jayanthan: Software Tools for Broadband Matching, 1997 The Smith Chart = r + jx R + jX Z0Z0 R + jX - Antenna Impedance Z o - Cable Impedance r + jx - Normalised Impedance VSWR Reflective Coefficient 0 0 1 8

5 R. Jayanthan: Software Tools for Broadband Matching, 1997 Reflection Coefficient [ Normalised Impedance [ VSWR Mark-up [ VSWR and Mismatch Loss RFCAD - Main Smith Chart Display Design ButtonsControl Buttons An interactive environment leads to intuitive design

6 R. Jayanthan: Software Tools for Broadband Matching, 1997 Z in Sample Problem Dipole Antenna /2 @ 175.25 Mhz (VHF Ch. 5) Simulated impedance for VHF Band I & III plotted on a Smith Chart Simple Dipole at VHF Band I and Band III Ch. 5 Ch. 12 Ch. 2,3 & 4

7 R. Jayanthan: Software Tools for Broadband Matching, 1997 RF CAD in Action 1/2 Simple Dipole at VHF Band I and Band III C1C1 L1L1 1 2 3

8 R. Jayanthan: Software Tools for Broadband Matching, 1997 RF CAD in Action 2/2 Simple Dipole at VHF Band I and Band III C1C1 L1L1 L2L2 C2C2 Matched for VSWR <1.8 (Band III) 4 5

9 R. Jayanthan: Software Tools for Broadband Matching, 1997 Delete Component Edit Component Value Insert New Component Fast and Efficient Matching Network Design…. … without Tedious Geometrical Constructions Possible Components: Inductor (Series/Parallel) Capacitor(Series/Parallel) Tx Line S/C Stub(Series/Parallel)

10 R. Jayanthan: Software Tools for Broadband Matching, 1997 Data Structure Problem Specific Routines Smith Chart Module Error Handler Print Handler File Handler Software Architecture User Interface Hi ResolutionScreen I/O Module

11 R. Jayanthan: Software Tools for Broadband Matching, 1997 Thank You

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