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Bullying By: Mallory Ross.

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Presentation on theme: "Bullying By: Mallory Ross."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bullying By: Mallory Ross

2 Objectives Statistics What is it? Different Types of Bullying
Who’s at Risk? How to Prevent Bullying? How to Respond to Bullying? Who can Help?

3 Statistics 1 out of 4 students are Bullied in School
64% of Students don’t report Bullying, while 36% do report it. In the past year 14.8% of students were bullied online.

4 Types of Bullying Bullying: an unwanted, aggressive behavior against another person; normally behavior is repeated. Types Physical: hurting person or their things. Verbal: say or writing hurtful or mean things to someone. Social: Hurting one’s reputation or relationships. Cyber: Using some type of electronic device to bully another person.

5 Physical Bullying Hitting, Kicking, or Pinching Spitting
Pushing or Tripping Breaking or taking others things Mean or Rude Hand Gestures

6 Verbal Bullying Teasing Name Calling Inappropriate Comments Taunting

7 Social Bullying Leaving friends out
Telling people they can only be friend with certain people Spreading Rumors Embarrassing people in public on purpose

8 Cyber Bullying Sending mean, or ugly things over: Examples:
Text Messages s Social Media Internet Examples: Embarrassing Pictures Videos Fake Profiles

9 Where does Bullying take place?
Bullying can take place anywhere and at any time. School Bus Neighborhood Public places

10 Who’s at risk? Children who standout from their peers
Overweight Have Glasses Fashionably Inclined New to school Children who are perceived as weak Children who are depressed, anxious, or have low self esteem Unpopular

11 Way’s to Prevent? Have Policies and Rules
Make sure Children know they are in a Safe Environment. Educate School Staff, Parents, and Students

12 How to Respond? Stop the Bullying
Find out what happen and figure out how to proceed Support every kid involved Bullying Other Being Bullied Observing the Bullying Report Bullying

13 Who can Help? School Staff Parents Peers State Department of Education
Techer Counselor Principal Parents Peers State Department of Education U.S. Department of Education U.S. Department of Justice Call 911

14 References

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