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What do these have in common?

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Presentation on theme: "What do these have in common?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do these have in common?

2 All are examples of oscillatory motion!
Oscillate means to go back & forth

3 All are examples of oscillatory motion!
Oscillate means to go back & forth Oscillatory motion is extremely common Pendulums Springs WAVES (light, sound, strings, etc!)

4 Oscillatory motion vocabulary
Equilibrium position – position where an object would rest if not disturbed. Displacement x, θ – displacement from equilibrium position. Amplitude A, θ0 – the maximum displacement of an oscillating object from equilibrium.

5 Oscillatory motion vocabulary
Cycle – one complete oscillation Period (T) – the time it takes an oscillating system to make one complete oscillation. (A  C  A ) Frequency (f) – the number of complete oscillations made by the system in one second. Frequency = 1/period units: 1/s = s-1 = 1 Hz (hertz)

6 Oscillatory motion vocabulary
Turn & Talk What is the equilibrium position for a pendulum? What is the difference between displacement and amplitude? What is period? How do you find it?

7 Pendulum Lab Objectives
Learning objective(s): Describe factors that influence the period of pendulum. Skill objective(s): Take measurements with accuracy and precision Process data, including finding averages & uncertainties, Construct well-labeled graphs with best-fit lines and error bars Interpret your results!

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