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The BBC Protecting it from Government

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1 The BBC Protecting it from Government
Gresham III 11 April 2012 The BBC Protecting it from Government

2 The “Today” Programme 7 million adults listen each weekday morning in the UK

3 The BBC Lord Reith, first general manager of the BBC. “Educate, inform and entertain.”

4 A Little History In 1901 the first transatlantic wireless messages were transmitted by Marconi

5 Radio early days Broadcasting was controlled and centralised from the start

6 Radio History In 1920 Dame Nellie Melba sang God Save the King and some arias to Europe

7 The Radio Times In 1923 the Radio Times commenced weekly publication

8 Broadcasting House The first Royal Charter for the BBC in 1927
The flagship Broadcasting House in Portland Place, central London

9 The General Strike The Press stopped but BBC News continued and became a public institution Lord Reith announced the end of the strike on air

10 Television Started 1936 The word is half Latin and half Greek
The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth in 1953 made TV desirable

11 King George V The King made his first Christmas broadcast to the Empire in 1932

12 Abdication King Edward VIII’s Abdication Speech in 1936 was broadcast
He could not rule without the support of the woman he loved

13 Director Generals Greg Dyke Mark Thompson

14 Chairmen Gavyn Davies Michael Grade Michael Lyons Chris Patten

15 David Kelly Talks to Andrew Gilligan about the intelligence dossier

16 WMD The UK Government issued a dossier on WMD which said that Saddam’s weapons could be ready within 45 minutes

17 The Hutton Inquiry Alastair Campbell complained
Lord Hutton conducted an inquiry

18 The Quality of Intelligence
Lord Butler headed an inquiry into the quality of the intelligence on WMD

19 Chilcot Inquiry

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