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Who are we? We provide a service for anyone affected by bullying who is still of school age. We give advice to children, young people, parents/carers.

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Presentation on theme: "Who are we? We provide a service for anyone affected by bullying who is still of school age. We give advice to children, young people, parents/carers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who are we? We provide a service for anyone affected by bullying who is still of school age. We give advice to children, young people, parents/carers and professionals on how to deal with bullying. Last year we worked with over young people You can call Bullybusters between 3-6PM Monday–Friday

2 Bullying and Cyberbullying.
BULLYING is the act of intentionally causing harm to others, through verbal harassment, physical assault, or other more subtle methods, i.e. exclusion from a group or spreading rumours, etc. CYBERBULLYING is bullying using technology. This means things like prank calling, sending nasty text messages and posting on hate sites as well as forwarding horrible s, sending round humiliating videos

3 How does it make you feel?
Want to retaliate Feeling sorry for yourself Feel like you can’t tell anyone Angry Unhappy Worthless Depressed Unable to cope Want to hurt yourself Embarrassed Scared Tearful Sad Anxious Confused May feel frustrated Stressed Intimidated

4 Top Tips: Don’t post stuff that is very personal – keep information general Think carefully about posting pictures online – once it’s there, anyone can see it or use it Don’t share your passwords – keep your personal information private! It’s not a good idea to meet up with anyone you meet online – you don’t really know who they are! Try to think carefully before you write things online – people can get the wrong end of the stick Respect other people’s views – just because you don’t agree with them, it doesn’t mean you have to be rude or abusive

5 What you can do? Tell someone you trust
Report any cyberbullying, even if it’s not happening to you Never respond/retaliate as it could make matters worse Block the cyberbullies from contacting you Save and print any bullying messages, posts, pictures or videos that you receive Make a note of the dates and times they are received Keep your passwords private Don’t post any personal information or pictures online Have fun...but surf the internet safely!

6 Conflict Walk away to let things calm down.
When we fall out with friends or have an argument its important to: Walk away to let things calm down. Think about what has caused the argument. When it is the right time, go and speak to the person, calmly. Don’t start another argument! Try to come up with ways to move forward and resolve what has happened! Also don’t get everyone involved!

7 Sexting The sending or receiving of sexually explicit content via text messages, smart phones, or visual and web activities such as social networking sites.

8 Facts: Nearly 40% of all teenagers have posted or sent sexually suggestive messages, but this practice is more common among boys than girls 15% of teens who have sent or posted nude/semi-nude images of themselves send these messages to people they have never met, but know from the Internet 6 out of 10 young people have been asked for sexual images The demands come from their peers rather than strangers or adults making young people feel under pressure to do it.

9 But why do it? As a form of flirting
As a way to show another “what they can get” if that person dates them As a sign that they are in a trusting and loving relationship As a signal that they want to take their relationship to the next level As an expression of their sexuality Because they are bored and feel like doing something exciting

10 Negative consequences
Sexually explicit photo or message might be forwarded to other people Picture could be posted on other people’s social network sites or websites Might be seen by friends, classmates, teachers, parents, and strangers Therefore: There could be a strong possibility of being bullied and teased They might get in trouble at school and at home, police might be involved They may be embarrassed if the sext turns up in the future

In terms of the law: It is legal to have sex aged 16, but illegal and a serious criminal offence to TAKE, SHARE or keep HOLD of “indecent” photo’s of anyone under the age of 18 If a young person were to have in their possession an indecent image of another minor, they would technically be in possession of an indecent image of a child, which is an offence under the Criminal Justice act 1998 By sending/ distributing indecent pictures of any person under the age of 18 on to someone else you would be breaking the law! SO THINK ABOUT IT BEFORE YOU PRESS SEND!

12 Useful Support Bullybusters 0800 1696928 or
Cybermentors ThinkUknow Childline for more information

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