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Rich and Rigorous conversations in the Classroom

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1 Rich and Rigorous conversations in the Classroom
Skilled Communication for 21st Century Learning Presented by Sundae Eyer, M.Ed. ELL Implementation Specialist, SRCL Nurit Stites, M.Ed. MS Training Coordinator, SRCL Nurit – Introduction –

2 Objectives Discuss the role of rich and rigorous conversations in the classroom. Understand Nevada Academic Anchor Standards for Speaking and Listening. Consider classroom practices that promote student voice. Nurit

3 Synectics Collaborative discussions are like because…
With a partner, brainstorm as many comparisons as you can for the stem using the image on the left. Share one comparison with the whole group. Collaborative discussions are like because… Sundae- After reading the objectives ask participants to activate their knowledge about the topic with this structure. 3 min Provide post its

4 What are the implications for your classroom?
Anchor Standards Read Anchor Standards for your grade level band & the text box on the right. What are the implications for your classroom? Use to share your thoughts. On your device, go to: Nurit - provide anchor standards for S & L ; Have participants reflect on 5 min

5 DR. Lauren Resnick Cognitive psychologist
Accountable Talk Video Sundae – Intro Dr Resnick and remind group to listen for why classroom discussion is important Dr. Lauren Resnick, Cognitive Psychologist U of Pittsburgh, pioneer of accountable talk; She and her colleagues have creating the Accountable Talk Source book

6 Accountable Talk Read the article from
Use note-taker to prepare your argument We will use the Accountable Talk format to engage in discussion. Sundae - Review accountable talk packet, have participants read article, prepare argument using note-taker, engage in discussion What implications for the classroom?

7 Fishbowl 3rd Grade High School
watch?v=sAwzrfjFc9I Nurit – hand out directions, show video 3 min

8 Try it out! Review Fishbowl discussion rules
Read and Annotate Dweck’s Interview 6 – 8 volunteers in the bowl Observers write down statements or comments to share using today’s Nurit – Review rules together. Annotate with this in mind: things you question or want to comment about. 5 min – Next, use playing cards to get volunteers for fishbowl. If you want to leave the bowl raise your hand, I wll ask for a volunteer to take your place. 8 min

9 What is vine?
Sundae – In the spirit of student voices, we will watch a student teaching us how to use Vines. Please feel free to set up your device as she’s explaining. How do you see this being implemented in the classroom.

10 Here’s our Vine! ixLrFxF9EZ Nurit -

11 Your vine Please post to Twitter
Nurit - Participants create a vine in a group..tweeting their vine on twitter!

12 Skilled Communication
Sundae - Dimension of 21st Century Learning Let’s look at it from a backward design approach (least complex to more complex)- Please identify some components with the strategies we’ve practiced today. 2 min

13 Thank you for Choosing us!
Please complete the evaluation sheet for our session

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