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Cultural Basket Maria Curiel ITL 604.

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1 Cultural Basket Maria Curiel ITL 604

2 Family Family is a very important value of my Mexican cultural background. We truly believe our loyalty and unity is our strength. We are always there to help each other, especially through difficult times. We feel that is our duty and responsibility to help our family members. Moreover, we get together to celebrate important events, such as, birthdays, baptisms, quinceaneras, and weddings. I am very grateful of being born in a Mexican family.

3 Education I chose my Bachelor’s diploma as one of my artifacts because it represents the value of education. Most of my family members have worked in the fields all of their life. My mother always told me to finish school because she wanted me to have a better future. She knew about the hardships of working in the fields, that is why she wanted me to obtain a degree. Thanks to her advice and support, I received my Bachelor's degree and currently working towards completing the credential program.

4 Religion Religion plays a major role in my cultural background. I come from a Catholic family, and was introduced to the religion since birth. My Grandma who was the most devoted Catholic in our family, took me to mass every Sunday. Moreover, I was taught many religious beliefs as I grew up. I was baptised, had my first holy communion, and Confirmation. This religious value has been passed from one generation to another, and I will teach it to my children one day.

5 Ethnic Identity The Mexican and American flag is an artifact that represents my ethnic identity. I was born and raised in California, but I come from Mexican-born parents. I do believe both countries represent me. I enjoy practicing both the American and Mexican traditions. I am proud of where I came from and being a Mexican-American.

6 Respect Respect is a very important value I have been taught since I was a child. In order to get respect, we need to give respect. I was raised to be respectful towards others. As I was growing up, I was disciplined to respect my elders. Furthermore, being respectful to other races, cultures, and religions as well. I also learned to have self-respect because it defines our attitude towards our own self. To this day, I continue showing respect and teaching this crucial value to my younger family members.

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