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Supporting innovation projects by focusing on design

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting innovation projects by focusing on design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting innovation projects by focusing on design
Philipp Aiginger-Evangelisti Programme Manager Impact Innovation Supporting innovation projects by focusing on design , Brussels

2 supporting Innovation:
There is a lot of design in Impact Innovation.

3 Design in Impact Innovation
Programme Design using design principles 03 Programme Evaluation service design to evaluate and learn 01 Funding Innovation Projects focusing on the project design 02

4 Programme Design Starting point
Renewing the view on „Innovation“: Non-technical innovation New/Different types of innovation Innovation methodology Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

5 Programme design Looking for the solution
Study – „Opening up our view on innovation“: using Open Innovation and Design Thinking in the study looking for unusual suspects to open up new perspectives focusing on user problem to understand the needs thinking outside the (our) box Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

6 Programme Design – Journey
Defining the problem & generate Ideas Study & Benchmarking Iteration workshop Lead User fill out application form & co- design selection criteria Evaluation of the user journey Service Design methodology matching needs communication of goals consulting & application process Q3/2016 Q4/2016 03-06/2017 09/2017 03-05/2018 Pilot II: Impact Innovation defined goals & criteria Budget: € 2,2 Mio Application: Funded: First concept Defining goals & principless Application form & criteria Pilot: Impact Innovation open goals and loosely defined criteria Budget: € 1 Mio Applications: Funded: 16

7 Design in Impact Innovation
Programme Design using design principles 03 Programme Evaluation service design to evaluate and learn 01 Funding Innovation Projects focusing on the project design 02

8 What is Impact Innovation about?
Focus on the project design rather than on research or market potentials: Understanding the problem as core value Innovation methodology User interaction/co-creation Keeping it open

9 Innovation Process in impact innovation
Application possible Funding possible

10 Framework Target group: SMEs (including startups, associations, ..)
Max. project size/funding: € | € Project duration: max. 12 months Bottom-up

11 Application Ask questions relevant to the innovation process
what is the problem and who is affected? what is the overall goal of the project? (not the detailed outcome) why isn‘t the problem solved yet? Be open to new solutions! Keep the process open and focus on the project design (not on the detailed steps) which methods are used and ho is involved? define milestones/key results for the first 6 months (not a detailed work plan) Estimated costs in total

12 Methodical Approach & User Interaction
Selection criteriA Impact Innovation Methodical Approach & User Interaction Capability Funding goals Impact Size of affected group Relevance of problem Scalability Problem-solution fit Innovation Differences to existing solutions Methododical Approach Appropriate method Influence of feedback User Interaction Right people Regularly Early Qualifications Innovation methods (external posible) Skills in the specific topic Team diversity Financial capabilities Additionality Funding goals Effects on methodocial approach Early phase in project New to innovation

13 Impact innovation is different
Type of project: No R&D  Innovations with added value, focus on process of problem solving Application: No detailed work plan till project end  milestone and overall budget estimation, focus on problem definition and project design Applicants: not classic R&D/Innovation companies  but micro companies, associations, social entrepreneurs (80% first timers) Criteria: no research and development risks  focus on the project design

14 Plan a funeral from home

15 What we know so far Applicants new to innovation: 81%
Influence on project design: 69% Majority in education (24%) and business model innovations (20%) Understanding the problem as key issue but also as key message Support to design the innovation process is needed

16 Design in Impact Innovation
Programme Design using design principles 03 Programme Evaluation service design to evaluate and learn 01 Funding Innovation Projects focusing on the project design 02

17 Service design as evaluation method
Customer journey mapping Defining touchpoints Identifying user pains Service blueprinting Ideation workshop for additional support services Recommodation of design experts

18 Conclusions: implications for design
Design methods can be used for „daily business“ of funding agencies Focus on project design in the application provides a „nudge“ Key criteria focusing on project design are feasible for the selection process Different types of innovation projects can be adressed to attract newcomers


20 Imprint Thank you very much! Philipp Aiginger-Evangelisti
Programme Manager Austrian Research Promotion Agency Sensengasse 1, A-1090 Vienna T +43 (0) – 1206 M +43 (0) Thank you very much!

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