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AfA Network Meeting Thursday 27th May Assessment, tracking and

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Presentation on theme: "AfA Network Meeting Thursday 27th May Assessment, tracking and"— Presentation transcript:

1 AfA Network Meeting Thursday 27th May 2010 1. Assessment, tracking and
intervention 3. Provision for developing wider outcomes 2. Structured conversations with parents Children and young people AfA Network Meeting Thursday 27th May 2010

2 Agenda Behaviour & Attendance – Angela Newman The bigger picture!
Knowing your data Evidencing impact and progress Use of funding 209/10 School visits Training & conferences AOB

3 Angela Newman Behaviour & Attendance Service

4 The bigger picture!! Why is AfA being developed?
What’s Narrowing the Gap (NtG) about?

5 Gap 52.2% Gap 48.5% Gap 48.3%

6 Gap 41.7% Gap 35% Gap 38.5%

7 Do you know your gaps? Do you know:
What your gaps in the target year groups for Maths and English are? If the gap has narrowed this year? If gaps have narrowed – why have they? Interventions or improved QFT? Do pupil targets assist in narrowing the gaps? Have targets changed to reflect the NtG agenda?

8 National Picture - Strand 2
13,510 Structured Conversations held to end of March 9,858 1st and nd Conversations % range of first conversations 92% to 65% (Mean 72%) – LA level figures

9 Looking Forward Four areas for development
Clear communication to LAs and Schools Achieving Impact Measures Gathering accurate and timely data Embedding AfA

10 Immediate objectives Integrate AfA through support offered to School Leadership Utilise data to improve outcomes for pupils Embed processes to improve target setting Embed processes to improve lesson planning

11 Immediate objectives Parent conversation – second and third in place, effective outcomes Parents conversations – cascading practice Wider outcomes – planned and implemented AfA transforming practice across primary and secondary schools

12 Year 2 – Embedding Achievement for All
Case studies disseminated, good practice shared School self-evaluation and planning in place Systemic change : Classroom Leadership, Team Leadership, School Leadership Build confidence in Achievement for All practices

13 Year 2 – Embedding Achievement for All
Value for Money Widen Outcomes, project leaders Attendance Behaviour Bullying Developing positive relationships Extra curricula activities

14 Working together Achievement for All to lead practice - plan
- implement - use data (qualitative and quantitative to improve) - disseminate and embed practice

15 Evidencing impact Leadership & Management
Reports presented to SIPs & Governors Reports from SIPs & Governors Completed School Development Plan Allocation of CPD to Key Teachers Staff meeting minutes or plans Completion of tasks Attendance at training and events Funding tracking and evidencing Linking of projects to support the NtG agenda (1:1, ECaR etc)

16 Evidencing impact Strand 1: Assessment, Tracking & Interventions
Completed TA data for target groups in NC Level form Analysis of pupils progress Use of APP – examples of tracking sheets – SEND part of groups AfL – target sheets/examples/policy etc Evidence of ambitiously set targets – accelerating progress Types of interventions in place – what new interventions are being developed? Rational as to how interventions are measured for their impact. Staff CPD – training list for Key Teachers & associated costs Peer mentoring & coaching models used and their impact.

17 Evidencing impact Strand 2: Structured Conversations & Parental engagement Number of conversations held/planned Number of Key teachers trained and carrying out conversations Examples of conversations held – reports for parents Feedback from parents, teachers & pupils Qualitative data on the impact of the conversations – what’s changed? Examples of ongoing communication with parents Work done to engage hard to reach parents

18 Evidencing impact Strand 3: Wider Outcomes Initial analysis
Quantitative data from the start (% attendance, behaviour incidents, bullying incidents, attendance at clubs etc) for the target groups and their peers – data at end of term points Examples of activities carried out and their impact – case studies (additionally funded projects) What’s new or different?

19 Funding can be used for:
developing capacity for the identified school leader(s) to coordinate the project across the school; providing time for key teachers to hold the structured conversation with parents; reviewing the effectiveness of current provision for children and young people with SEND; implementing additional provision such as interventions or extra-curricular activities focused on the target pupils; developing capacity for members of staff to engage in the data collection and project evaluation; and providing time and resources for staff to engage in professional development opportunities which will support the project.

20 Points to ponder What difference has AfA made so far in your school? How do you know? Have your teachers had training over and above to meet the AfA agenda? Has the school tried any new interventions? Has the ‘Gap’ narrowed between pupils with SEND and their peers? Has there been value for money from your AfA funding? How can you demonstrate this?

21 School Visits 14 visits this half term
8 already planned for after half term (6 with Joan) - 11th June – Beever (am)/Christ Church (pm) - 29th June – Royton Hall (am)/Crompton House (pm) - 30th June – St. Hugh’s (am)/Greenfield (pm) 17 left to organise – Please suggest dates to me *Please try to have evidence to hand (notes in the school visit template) and Key teachers to speak to.

22 Training & conferences
SSET – 10th June – am or pm – CPD Structured conversation training – 21st & 22nd June – am/pm –CPD Becta showcasing – now 7th July – am or pm – Strategy Day –CPD Regional Conference – 23rd & 24th September – Leeds (16th July)

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