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Unit 4 Legislative Branch.

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1 Unit 4 Legislative Branch

2 Branches of Government
Legislative, executive, and judicial powers of the national government are distributed among three distinct and independent branches of government. Article I of the U.S. Constitution establishes the legislative branch of government The legislative branch is responsible for making the laws of the nation.

3 II. Make up of the Federal Legislative Branch -
Congress is a Bicameral legislature consisting of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate 1. U.S. Senate Each state Represented Equally – 2 members per state = 100 members Serve 6 year terms in office Able to serve multiple terms in a row Senate is headed by the Vice President and the President Pro Tempore

4 Mike Pence - Vice President
Orrin Hatch - Pres Pro Temp

5 II. Make up of the Federal Legislative Branch
2. House of Representatives Each state's representation based on population = 435 total members Serve 2 Year terms in office May serve multiple terms Headed by the Speaker of the House

6 Paul Ryan - Speaker of the House
Most senior Officer of the House Presides over debates Makes rulings on points of order Sets the house agenda

7 III. Functions of the Federal Legislative Branch
Makes the laws of the nation Approves the annual budget Confirms presidential appointments Raises revenue through taxes and other levies Regulates interstate and foreign trade Declares war

8 IV. Types of Legislative Power
Article 1, section 8 Expressed (powers specifically listed in the Constitution which include); Collect Taxes Print and Coin money Declare War Establish Post offices and roads Regulate foreign and interstate trade Create and maintain military

9 IV. Con’t Implied Powers (Used to carry out the expressed powers) - Implied powers include all powers given to Congress that are not specifically listed in the Constitution, including; Powers given to Congress that are not specifically listed in the Constitution The last clause of Article I, Section 8 states that Congress shall have the power to make “all laws deemed necessary and proper” to the execution or carrying out of their Expressed Powers Known as the “Elastic Clause” or “Necessary and Proper Clause”

10 IV. Con’t Article I, Section 9 Powers Denied to Congress
The formal powers of Congress are limited by the Constitution of the United States

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