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VHT SG September 2008 Report
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 VHT SG September 2008 Report Date: Authors: Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Patent Policy Following 5 slides September 2008 April 2007
doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Patent Policy Following 5 slides Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Instructions for the WG Chair
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Instructions for the WG Chair The IEEE-SA strongly recommends that at each WG meeting the chair or a designee: Show slides #1 through #4 of this presentation Advise the WG attendees that: The IEEE’s patent policy is consistent with the ANSI patent policy and is described in Clause 6 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws; Early identification of patent claims which may be essential for the use of standards under development is strongly encouraged; There may be Essential Patent Claims of which the IEEE is not aware. Additionally, neither the IEEE, the WG, nor the WG chair can ensure the accuracy or completeness of any assurance or whether any such assurance is, in fact, of a Patent Claim that is essential for the use of the standard under development. Instruct the WG Secretary to record in the minutes of the relevant WG meeting: That the foregoing information was provided and that slides 1 through 4 (and this slide 0, if applicable) were shown; That the chair or designee provided an opportunity for participants to identify patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) of which the participant is personally aware and that may be essential for the use of that standard Any responses that were given, specifically the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) and/or the holder of the patent claim(s)/patent application claim(s) that were identified (if any) and by whom. The WG Chair shall ensure that a request is made to any identified holders of potential essential patent claim(s) to complete and submit a Letter of Assurance. It is recommended that the WG chair review the guidance in IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual and in FAQs 12 and 12a on inclusion of potential Essential Patent Claims by incorporation or by reference. Note: WG includes Working Groups, Task Groups, and other standards-developing committees with a PAR approved by the IEEE-SA Standards Board. (Optional to be shown) Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Participants, Patents, and Duty to Inform
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Participants, Patents, and Duty to Inform All participants in this meeting have certain obligations under the IEEE-SA Patent Policy. Participants: “Shall inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of each “holder of any potential Essential Patent Claims of which they are personally aware” if the claims are owned or controlled by the participant or the entity the participant is from, employed by, or otherwise represents “Personal awareness” means that the participant “is personally aware that the holder may have a potential Essential Patent Claim,” even if the participant is not personally aware of the specific patents or patent claims “Should inform the IEEE (or cause the IEEE to be informed)” of the identity of “any other holders of such potential Essential Patent Claims” (that is, third parties that are not affiliated with the participant, with the participant’s employer, or with anyone else that the participant is from or otherwise represents) The above does not apply if the patent claim is already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance that applies to the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group Quoted text excerpted from IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws subclause 6.2 Early identification of holders of potential Essential Patent Claims is strongly encouraged No duty to perform a patent search Slide #1 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Patent Related Links Patent Policy is stated in these sources:
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Patent Related Links All participants should be familiar with their obligations under the IEEE-SA Policies & Procedures for standards development. Patent Policy is stated in these sources: IEEE-SA Standards Boards Bylaws IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual Material about the patent policy is available at If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at or visit This slide set is available at Slide #2 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Call for Potentially Essential Patents
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Call for Potentially Essential Patents If anyone in this meeting is personally aware of the holder of any patent claims that are potentially essential to implementation of the proposed standard(s) under consideration by this group and that are not already the subject of an Accepted Letter of Assurance: Either speak up now or Provide the chair of this group with the identity of the holder(s) of any and all such claims as soon as possible or Cause an LOA to be submitted Slide #3 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. Technical considerations remain primary focus Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed … do formally object. See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details. Slide #4 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Agenda Items for the Week
September 2008 Agenda Items for the Week VHT60 Review joint conference call with c Review VHT60 conference call Review EC conference call Update PAR based on feedback SG/WG motion on PAR Joint meeting with c VHTL6 Review Nescom feedback TGac procedure General items Discussion of timelines Review from July Submissions Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Tentative Agenda for the Week
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Tentative Agenda for the Week Monday Sept 8th, 13:30 – 15:30 Patent policy, etc. Set agenda Call for submission Review from July Discussion of timelines Review VHTL6 Nescom feedback Review VHT60 joint conference call with c Review VHT60 conference call Review EC conference call Discuss agenda for joint meeting Presentations Monday Sept 8th, 19:30 – 21:30 Joint meeting with c on 60 GHz PAR Tuesday Sept 9th, 8:00 – 10:00 VHT60 PAR development Tuesday Sept 9th, 16:00 – 18:00 VHT60 PAR development PAR motion Presentations Thursday Sept 11th, 10:30 – 12:30 Reaffirm agenda Update VHT60 PAR based on WG feedback, if necessary VHTL6 discussion Thursday Sept 11th, 13:30 – 15:30 PAR motion, if necessary 15:00 Review time line Goals for November Conference calls Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Agenda for Monday July 14th
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Agenda for Monday July 14th Patent policy, etc. Set agenda Call for submission Review from July Discussion of timelines Review VHTL6 Nescom feedback Review VHT60 joint conference call with c Review VHT60 conference call Review EC conference call Discuss agenda for joint meeting Presentations Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Call for Submissions Information on following subjects will assist us in creating a PAR and 5 Criteria: Market needs, applications, usage scenarios Technology & feasibility MAC efficiency evaluation and enhancements, including evaluation of 11n MAC with higher PHY rates PHY enhancements to 11n new MAC & PHY technology Requirements metrics (i.e. throughput, network capacity, spectral efficiency, range) coexistence / interoperability Spectrum availability & regulatory options relationship with IMT-Advanced Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Submissions VHT60: Proposed Modifications to VHT60 PAR, 08/998r2, Eldad Perahia 60 GHz WLAN Experimental Investigations, 08/1044r0, Alexander Maltsev VHTL6: VHTL6 task group work plan proposal, 08/1032, Marc de Courville Richard Kennedy - Regulatory Towards an Improved Proposal Development Process for VHT, 08/579, Rolf De Vegt Wahyul Amien Syafei, Optimal CSD for Channel Estimation, 08/1079r0 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Review from July September 2008 April 2007 doc.: IEEE 802.11-07/0570r0
Reviewed initial PAR feedback and prepared responses From individuals, 08/812r0, 08/855r0 From c, 08/724r2 Reviewed Tutorials 60 GHz Tutorial, Eldad Perahia, 08/814r1 <6 GHz Tutorial, Marc De Courville, 08/825r0 Joint meeting with regarding 60 GHz user experience, Gal Basson, 08/848r0 Reviewed official PAR feedback and prepared responses, 08/880r1 Based on feedback, updated PAR & 5C’s 60 GHz: 08/806r3 <6 GHz: 08/807r3 Reviewed EC report, 08/813r1 Presentations Backward Compatible or Not?, Junghoon Jee, 08/790r0 Channel Modeling for 60 GHz WLAN Systems, Alexander Maltsev, 08/0811r1 Some Ambiguities about Throughput Conditions in PAR, 08/821r3, Minho Cheong Approved PAR & feedback response motion in mid-week plenary Motion for SG extension approved by SG , WG, EC EC PAR vote VHTL6 passed VHT60 failed Goals for September Officer elections (will occur in WG) If necessary, Update PAR’s & 5C’s based on feedback from EC or NesCom Complete work on PAR & 5 C’s and re-submit motion to WG At least first session as VHT joint meeting If possible split into VHT60 and VHTL6 and begin Task Group work Topics TG process Technical contributions Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Time Line for VHTL6 September 2008 April 2007
doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Time Line for VHTL6 May 2007 (Interim) Initial meeting July 2007 (Plenary) Presentations WG approval of SG extension to Nov Sept 2007 (Interim) Nov 2007 (Plenary) SG motion for extension to March Jan 2008 (Interim) Initial version of PAR & 5 C’s Mar 2008 (Plenary) Work on PAR & 5 C’s SG/WG/EC motion for extension to July May 2008 (Interim) final version of PAR & 5 C’s WG approval June 2008 EC submission by June 17 July 2008 (Plenary) WG re-approval (if necessary) SG/WG/EC motion for extension to Sept EC approval on July 18 Aug 2008 NesCom submission by Aug 8 Sept 2008 (Interim) VHTL6 TG unofficially begins Nominations for TG chair NesCom meeting on Sept 17 Nov 2008 (Plenary) TG chair election TGac (VHTL6) officially starts Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Time Line for VHT60 September 2008 April 2007
doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Time Line for VHT60 May 2007 (Interim) Initial meeting July 2007 (Plenary) Presentations WG approval of SG extension to Nov Sept 2007 (Interim) Nov 2007 (Plenary) SG motion for extension to March Jan 2008 (Interim) Initial version of PAR & 5 C’s Mar 2008 (Plenary) Work on PAR & 5 C’s SG/WG/EC motion for extension to July May 2008 (Interim) final version of PAR & 5 C’s WG approval July 2008 (Plenary) WG re-approval SG/WG/EC motion for extension to Sept Sept 2008 (Interim) Work on PAR & 5 C’s October 20, 2008 NesCom PAR submission deadline for Dec. meeting Nov 2008 (Plenary) final version of PAR & 5 C’s SG/WG/EC motion for extension to Mar EC PAR approval on Nov 14 December 9, 2008 NesCom meeting Jan 2009 (Interim) VHT60 TG unofficially begins Mar 2009 (Plenary) Task Group officially start Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Nescom feedback on VHTL6 (1/4)
September 2008 Nescom feedback on VHTL6 (1/4) WG11 received several suggestions for editorial changes to the VHTL6 PAR submitted to NesCom for approval After reviewing the requested changes the WG chair made editorial modifications to the VHTL6 PAR shown in the next slides Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Nescom feedback on VHTL6 (2/4)
September 2008 Nescom feedback on VHTL6 (2/4) Old: 5.2 Scope of Proposed Standard: Scope of Proposed Standard: The scope of this project is to define an amendment that shall define standardized modifications to both the physical layers (PHY) and the Medium Access Control Layer (MAC) so that modes of operation can be enabled that are capable of supporting: A maximum multi-station (STA) throughput (measured at the MAC data service access point), of at least 1 Gbps and a maximum single link throughput (measured at the MAC data service access point), of at least 500 Mbps. Below 6 GHz carrier frequency operation excluding 2.4 GHz operation and ensuring backward compatibility and coexistence with legacy IEEE802.11a/n devices in the 5 GHz unlicensed band. New: 5.2 Scope of Proposed Standard: This amendment defines standardized modifications to both the physical layers (PHY) and the Medium Access Control Layer (MAC) that enable modes of operation capable of supporting: A maximum multi-station (STA) throughput (measured at the MAC data service access point), of at least 1 Gbps and a maximum single link throughput (measured at the MAC data service access point), of at least 500 Mbps. Below 6 GHz carrier frequency operation excluding 2.4 GHz operation while ensuring backward compatibility and coexistence with legacy IEEE devices in the 5 GHz unlicensed band. Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Nescom feedback on VHTL6 (3/4)
September 2008 Nescom feedback on VHTL6 (3/4) New: 5.4 Purpose of Proposed Standard: The purpose of the amendment is to improve the wireless local area network (LAN) user experience by providing significantly higher basic service set (BSS) throughput for existing WLAN application areas and to enable new market segments for operation below 6 GHz including distribution of multiple multimedia/data streams. Old: 5.4 Purpose of Proposed Standard: The purpose of the project is to improve the wireless local area network (LAN) user experience by providing significantly higher basic service set (BSS) throughput for existing WLAN application areas and to enable new market segments for operation below 6 GHz including distribution of multiple multimedia/data streams. Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Nescom feedback on VHTL6 (4/4)
September 2008 Nescom feedback on VHTL6 (4/4) New: 5.6 Stakeholders for the Standard: Manufacturers and users of semiconductors, personal computers, enterprise networking devices, consumer electronic devices, and mobile devices. Old: 5.6 Stakeholders for the Standard: Manufacturers and users of semiconductor, personal computer, enterpise networking device, consumer electronic device, mobile devices. Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Review of VHT60 Aug 20 joint conference call with 802.15.3c
September 2008 Review of VHT60 Aug 20 joint conference call with c Two presentations Proposed modifications to VHT60 PAR, Eldad Perahia, Replace coexistence scope statement with “Supports mechanisms to enable coexistence with IEEE c and with other systems in the band” Add c and ECMA TC48 to Section 7.1 (Are there other standards or projects with a similar scope?) Discussion on “Current TG3c Modulation and Coding Schemes and Performance Examples”, Shu Kato, Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Review of VHT60 Aug 21 conference call
September 2008 Review of VHT60 Aug 21 conference call Reviewed all proposed permutations of coexistence scope statement from Aug 20 joint conference call with c Ran electronic strawpolls (results in brackets, 20 participants total) SP1 Preferred wording for coexistence in VHT60 PAR scope, choose one or more Addresses coexistence with other systems in the band (5) Ensure coexistence with IEEE c (1) Supports mechanisms to enable coexistence with IEEE c and with other systems in the band (7) Includes mandatory mechanisms to enable coexistence with IEEE c and with other systems in the band (11) Provides mechanisms to enable coexistence with IEEE c and with other systems in the band (12) Mandates mechanisms to enable coexistence with IEEE c and with other systems in the band (7) SP2 Should similar coexistence language be added to the c PAR scope? Yes (17) No (1) Abs (2) updated project dates in 7.1 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Review of Sept 3 EC call on VHT60
September 2008 September 2008 Review of Sept 3 EC call on VHT60 Discussion items New scope wording based on VHT60 straw poll option with most vote “Provides mechanisms to enable coexistence with IEEE c and with other systems in the band” chair was supportive No objections were raised to the wording by EC members on the call Adding symmetrical coexistence wording to c PAR Objection from one member of Timeline of c raised as concern If recirculation letter ballot goes well, could go to sponsor ballot in November Definition of coexistence EC suggested including in PAR (common) 802 definition for coexistence Could use definition, “The ability of one system to perform a task in a given shared environment where other systems have an ability to perform their tasks and may or may not be using the same set of rules.” Reference definition in VHT60 PAR Description of “shared environment” High level definition of shared environment requested Would be used in order to determine whether coexistence was achieved Discussion on level of detail necessary in a PAR/5C’s VHT60 should add description of environment in 5C’s New work items for VHT60 Description of environment Slide 22 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Presentations for Monday Sept 8th 13:30 – 15:30
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Presentations for Monday Sept 8th 13:30 – 15:30 Proposed Modifications to VHT60 PAR, 08/998r2, Eldad Perahia Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Notes for Monday Sept 8th 13:30 – 15:30
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Notes for Monday Sept 8th 13:30 – 15:30 Discussion on 08/998r2 and modifications to PAR Strawpoll (choose one or more) The MAC and PHY specified in this amendment: Provides mechanisms to enable coexistence with IEEE c and with other systems in the band (0) Provides mechanisms that enable coexistence with IEEE c and with other systems in the band (0) Provides mechanisms that enable coexistence with other systems in the band including IEEE c systems (24) Wahyul Amien Syafei, Optimal CSD for Channel Estimation, 08/1079r0 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Notes for Monday Sept 8th 19:30 – 21:30 Joint meeting with 802.15.3c
September 2008 Notes for Monday Sept 8th 19:30 – 21:30 Joint meeting with c 08/988r3 Discussion Steve Shellhammer – perhaps change from “environment” to “shared environment” James Gilb – change c date in 7.1 to Sept 2009 Strawpoll: Are the proposed changes to 5.2 Scope “Provides mechanisms that enable coexistence with other systems in the band including IEEE c systems” acceptable? Yes: 85 No: 0 Abs: 2 138 people in the room at time of strawpoll 08/1044r0 – 60 GHz measurements 15-08/651r0 – 60 GHz measurements Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Agenda for Tues Sept 9th 8:00 – 10:00
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Agenda for Tues Sept 9th 8:00 – 10:00 VHT60 PAR development Presentations Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Notes for Tues Sept 9th 8:00 – 10:00
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Notes for Tues Sept 9th 8:00 – 10:00 Updated VHT60 PAR to 08/806r5 with minor changes to 7.1 and Approved updated VHT60 PAR, see next slide Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
September 2008 PAR Motion Believing that the PAR and Five Criteria contained in the documents referenced below meet IEEE-SA guidelines, Request that the updated PAR and Five Criteria contained in 08/806r5 be sent to IEEE 802 Executive Committee (EC) for EC approval to submit to NesCom. Move: Darwin Engwer Second: George Vlantis Vote Y: 41, N: 0, Abs: 2 Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Agenda for Tues Sept 9th 16:00 – 18:00
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Agenda for Tues Sept 9th 16:00 – 18:00 VHTL6 presentations VHTL6 task group work plan proposal, 08/1032r1, Marc de Courville Towards an Improved Proposal Development Process for VHT, 08/579r1, Rolf De Vegt Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Notes for Tues Sept 9th 16:00 – 18:00
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Notes for Tues Sept 9th 16:00 – 18:00 08/1032r1 Time slots TGac none overlapping w/ VHTSG & TGn 4 time slots 120 people Joint meeting w/ VHT Jointing meeting topics Usage models Conference Every other split between VHT60 and VHTL6 Usage model & selection procedure could be joint call 1 solo call for other TG documents If negative feedback on PAR from Nescom, hold VHTL6 call to discuss Confirm chair/election/interim-chair for Nov with Bruce 08/579r1 presented & discussion Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Notes for Wed Sept 10th Mid-week Plenary
September 2008 Notes for Wed Sept 10th Mid-week Plenary VHT60 PAR passed Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Agenda for Th Sept 11th 10:30 – 12:30
September 2008 Agenda for Th Sept 11th 10:30 – 12:30 Conference calls Goals for Nov Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Conference call times Dates:
September 2008 Conference call times Dates: Oct 2 – VHTL6/VHT60; Nescom feedback, usage models 11:00-13:00 ET Oct 9 - VHTL6/VHT60; Nescom feedback, usage models 20:00-22:00 ET Eric run call Oct 16 – VHT60 – review from EC call; review from 15.3c (?) Oct 23 – VHTL6; other TG documents Oct 30 – VHTL6/VHT60; selection procedure Nov 6; review from EC call; other TG documents; selection procedure Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
Goals for November VHT60 Begin TGac (VHTL6) Task Group work
April 2007 doc.: IEEE /0570r0 September 2008 Goals for November VHT60 If necessary, Update VHT60 PAR’s & 5C’s based on feedback from EC and/or NesCom Complete work on VHT60 PAR & 5 C’s and re-submit motion to WG Begin TGac (VHTL6) Task Group work Chair nominations / election Start developing task group documents Technical submissions Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation Eldad Perahia, Intel Corporation
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