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Answer the following questions:

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Presentation on theme: "Answer the following questions:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Answer the following questions:
Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Read the three slogans below. Less worry. More life. No one in this room will work harder than me. 3. When the storm comes, I will smile and ask, “Is that all you got?” 1/21, 1/25 Answer the following questions: Which quote do you think applies to you the most? What does one of the quotes have in common with the definition of the word “unvanquished?”

2 1. What context clues are included in each of the following sentences in order to determine the meanings of each word? 2. What does each word mean? D B C



5 Agenda Time (min.’s) Unit: Learning
Essential Question: How does learning change the way we see ourselves? 10 Warm-Up: Life Slogan’s and Vocabulary Review 5 Vocabulary (Confrontation, Quest) 15 Read Aloud Freak the Mighty, Chapter 8; Cause and Effect Classroom Conversation Whole Group (Theme) 35 Work Time (4.6 Analyze Theme, Interactive Reading, Finish Word Slam, Finish 4.5 Reading Check, Independent Reading) Wrap-Up

6 4.6 Confrontation: an angry situation or meeting between two or more people Barney the Dinosaur and Godzilla often got in confrontations over _______________. Quest: a journey or long trip to search for something that is not easy to find Zak and Wheezie could never go on a quest because they couldn’t ______________.

7 4.1 Unvanquished: a word describing something that hasn’t been defeated The alien was set to face off against his unvanquished foe in a game of ______________. Consequences: the effect of something that happened earlier The robot told the alien to _________________, or suffer the consequences. 4.2 Demeanor: someone’s appearance and behavior The Tasmanian Devil’s demeanor is very ____________. Invincible: impossible to defeat or overcome When Popeye ate _________, he knew he was invincible. 4.3 Intruding: entering a place without being invited Garfield _________ Odie for intruding on his nap. Impression: an idea or feeling about someone or something The hunter’s first impression of Big Foot was that he was ________. 4.4 Deficiency: A lack or a shortage of something that is needed. Cookie Monster had a deficiency of _______, so he ______. Fearsome: Causing dread or terror; frightening. Sesame Street was terrorized by the fearsome Oscar the Grouch when he _________________.

8 4.6 Confrontation: an angry situation or meeting between two or more people Barney the Dinosaur and Godzilla often got in confrontations over _______________. Quest: a journey or long trip to search for something that is not easy to find Zak and Wheezie could never go on a quest because they couldn’t ______________.

9 Chapter 8 (Cause and Effect)
Name: __________________ Freak the Mighty Chapter 8 (Cause and Effect)

10 Wrap Up What other THEMES are present in Freak the Mighty?

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