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International Marketing

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1 International Marketing
Country Manager

2 Job titles Product Manager Marketing Manager Country Manager

3 Market Entry Selection
Demand and Supply Population GDP GDP per capita Inflation Urban Population

4 Period One – Entered Brazil
Reasons Highest Population Stable GDP Promotion 2 Ad Campaigns Marketing Strategies Max Penetration Look at competitors price Obtain favorable position Result 18% market shares BEI= 60% Import from USA

5 Period Two= plant in chile
To Lower Tariff and shipping cost Again loss Beneficial for next target markets BEI= 65%

6 Period Three= Entered MEXICO
Reasons GDP Population Very less inflation Scored second in Assessment Attractiveness NAFTA Agreement Market Strategy Penetration( Compititors approach), Highest Possible Awareness, Diversification Proactive Market Selection = First mover advantage Cost Plus Approach

7 Period Four Increase sales force in hypermarket in Mexico
\ Increase sales force in hypermarket in Mexico Add SKU and ad campaign in Mexico and Brazil Net negative contribution= -89 410 unit sales Unit sale in Mexico =71 Profit in Mexico 17% market share

\ Among three biggest markets 4th high population , GDP Stable 92% Urban Population Marketing Strategy = Skimming ,Allowance High Problem faced= Inflation Added 100 Million in Plant capacity Goal = Gain profit

9 Period Six= Stable position of our Brand
\ Problems faced = Mexico COGS = 64% Loss in Argentine Target – To gain profit Skimming in Brazil Price Increase in Mexico Updation of Ads Added new SKU

10 Period seven= Changes In strategies
SKU Forecast Contribution forecast For Mexico = plant changed home to Chile But kept price related to competitors Results= 100+ Millions profits

11 Success More than 100 Million profit in last two periods
More than 100 Million profit in last two periods 3rd Highest Wighted Score 2nd Highest Net regional Contribution 2nd highest Share of Manufacturing sales 3rd highest brand equity

12 KEY Considerations Location of Plant Focus on Customer's Need
Identify Potential Market(100% in mexicokids market) Product standaizaion Regional Diversification

13 Lessons Leanrned International Market Vs Domestic marketing
Entre into new market as early as possible Exchange rates importac factor swhile try a market Reduce COGS Better ads to boost sales..Ads or Price cut ? Importance of diversification Steadily Increse plant capacity Always consider economic and political issues while entering a market

14 Our Mistakes Not entered market in period second
Ignoring Hyper market in Brazil

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