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Interruptible to Firm – NTS Supply Point Transition

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1 Interruptible to Firm – NTS Supply Point Transition
Transmission Workgroup 7th July 2011

2 Background UNC modification 195 AV introduced exit reform.
From 1 October 2012 all NTS Exit Points will be “Firm”. All existing Interruptible NTS Exit Points will need to be withdrawn or the status changed to Firm. Applies to Supply Points, CSEPs, Interconnectors, Storage. CSEPs (inc. Interconnectors & Storage) to be considered separately. All current Interruptible logical meters require end dating in Gemini and, where necessary, new Firm logical meters created.

3 To facilitate this…. National Grid will be raising a UNC modification proposal to: create an obligation on Users, before 1st September 2012, to reconfirm their Interruptible Supply Points with firm status, except where a User….. has both Firm and Interruptible logical meters, or no longer wants to be registered at a Supply Point, then a withdrawal from the Interruptible Supply Point will suffice. changes to be effective 1st October 2012. current Supply Point Administration processes to be used; so costs likely to be limited to minimal administration costs. permit National Grid NTS, where the above steps are not carried out by the User, to complete these steps on behalf of the User.

4 Approach Proposal to be raised at July mods panel with recommendation for: Development at Workgroup. Self governance. Proposal will: where practicable, be consistent with proposal 367 (Interruptible to Firm – [DN] Supply Point Transition). Not be User Pays.

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