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Positions of Prominence

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1 Positions of Prominence
TMS Positions of Prominence

2 Position of Prominence (PoP)
PoP must be associated with a student and their lines of training. Next year’s CETPP, SCOs must re-enter all PoP via TMS or the new SCO-Tweb procedure. When entered via TMS or SCO-Tweb, PoP info will automatically flow into CETPP New for Positions of Prominence: PoP VIP code to identify the type of PoP.

3 If no longer a PoP (i.e. Promoted or Retired) enter Inactive Date.
Enter PoP via TMS 7… PoP form Appears 3. Save/Close Student Information form in TMS: 1. Enter Information 2. Select VIP code General 1 May 07 Appointed Inactive Date: If no longer a PoP (i.e. Promoted or Retired) enter Inactive Date. PoP added. 1. Click here.

4 Position of Prominence (PoP)
Make sure to upload data to the SAN. PoP information uploaded from TMS to the SAN will automatically flow into SCO-Tweb and the CETPP.

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