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Balkan Peninsula.

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1 Balkan Peninsula

2 Unit 6: Central/Eastern Europe and Russia
Topic: Former Yugoslavia (The Balkans) Content Objective: Why do tensions continue to challenge the people of the Balkan nations? TLWBAT

3 Romania

4 Rose up 1989 killed dictator
“Waited on the U.S. but never came” Republic Still recovering from communist rule

5 Vlad the Impaler Nadia Comaneci Bram Stoker’s Dracula Perfect 10 1976
Wait a minute! Was that scarry? To answer this question, let's go graphic. Drink now your Holly Water and if you feel sick be ready to smash your fingers with the silver cross. The fact is that impalement is a shitty procedure. That's because the impaled man has his limbs tied with ropes and, while lying on his back, his butt is pusshed against a stick. For more effect, this stick is helped with a huge hammer. But let's discuss the stick. The stick was not sharp, as imagined, but blunt. That's because the purpose of impallement is to kill slowly,with a great deal of pain. A sharp stick is the equivalent of a quick death, but not a blunt one. This will enter about 30 cm and than the impalled is bent by the means of ropes in order to create an exit point below the chest. Now imagine that field of 20,000 impaled people, many of them still moving on their stakes, bleeding very very slowly to death. Of course they were scared. They run for their lifes. The above stories are true. There are more of them. Vlad the Impaler, or Vlad Tepes was a cruel king. He reportedly tortured, skined alive, boiled, roasted, and I can go on, thousands and thousands of people, but everyone of them had the last moments on a stick. Dracula too, didn't die peacefully. He was killed during a battle against the Turks. Mehmet got his head as a present and put it on a stick, while the body of Dracula was buried in Snagov Monastery. It's time you get handy with that garlic, because the grave was recently investigated. The bones there were from a Neolithic horse and no human remains were found there. Ans so the immortal and blood thirsty Dracula legend begins...

6 Bulgaria

7 1908 independence Mafia gangs

8 Albania

9 1912 independence Ottoman Empire
1997 pyramid scheme collapse Parliamentary Democracy

10 The Former Yugoslavia

11 Part of Ottoman Empire End of WWI Fall of Austria-Hungary Empire
Victors created new country balkanize” Twenty ethnic groups 70 years later nation disintegrates Balkanize = break apart 500 years this area ruled by the Turks Most of these nations fell under communist rule after 1948 Anti-communists revolutions overthrew govts

12 Five independent countries
Early 1990s Five independent countries Slovenia Croatia Macedonia Bosnia/Herzegovina Serbia Kosovo (independence from Serbia) 2008 Montenegro (independence from Serbia) 2006

13 Slovenia

14 1st to declare independence
1991 Most prosperous Mostly Roman Catholic Parliamentary Republic

15 Croatia

16 1991 declared their independence
Serbia declares war Roman Catholic 1995 peace treaty with Serbia 1998 control of their entire territory Parliamentary Democracy Tourism re-emerging

17 Bosnia

18 Landlocked "cauldron of conflict“
Archduke Franz Ferdinand Bosnia War Genocide, rape camps One-half Muslims, one-third Serbs, one-fifth Croats Two Republics Serbian Muslim-Croat Winter Olympics of 1984 Sarajevo Emerging Federal Democratic Republic

19 Macedonia

20 rocky relationship with Greece
due to the use of the name Macedonia Parliamentary Democracy

21 Serbia

22 1992 Serbia/Montenegro 2003 Republic FRY Restructured
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia 2003 Restructured Two republics/one federation Serbia Montenegro Republic

23 Nikola Tesla

24 Montenegro

25 Serbia losing their access to the Adriatic Sea
June 2006 Declared independence Serbia losing their access to the Adriatic Sea Republic

26 Kosovo

27 Serbian province Albanians vs. Serbs 2008 Independence Serbia/Russia
Not accept independence Republic


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