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Phi Delta Chi Achievement Award Program and Thurston Cup Reporting FDC

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1 Phi Delta Chi Achievement Award Program and Thurston Cup Reporting FDC
Ryan Costantino, GVPSA Brooke Greene, AAP Administrator Phi Delta Chi Grand Vice President of Student Affairs

2 Achievement Award Program

3 Background Dale W. Doerr AAP
AAP embodies the values and visions of the Fraternity Requires the collective effort of every brother of the chapter Helps to shape chapters and define their structure and role at their school Helps to create a strong foundation from which chapters and members grow

4 What is the AAP? Two major parts:
Dale W. Doerr Monthly Reports: (sample items) Officer contact information Notification of formal meetings Chapter roster and NOD payment Distinguished alumnus report Outstanding chapter advisor Reports of brothers attending LDS/Grand Council/Regionals Contact with buddy chapters Chapter self-evaluations Risk Management Founder’s Day Event Chapter and house budget St Jude philantrophic endeavor

5 What is the AAP? Thurston Cup Reports:
Prescott Scholarship Report (15%) Leadership Report (15%) Professional and Service Projects Report (Fall & Spring, 15% each for 30% total) Window Display Report (10%) Brotherhood Report (10%) Annual Chapter Publication (20%)

6 Overseeing the AAP The National Office (Brooke Green): Updates and revises program each year and keeps point totals GVPSA (Ryan Costantino): Responsible for overall administration and implementation Regional Correspondent: Helps chapters manage participation in the AAP via monthly contact

7 Purpose of the AAP “That which serves no purpose serves only to waste time.” The purpose of the AAP is to Promote Chapter correspondence with Nat’l Office Encourage communications between chapters Improve the Chapter’s relations with their alumni Provide a framework for Chapters in upholding the ideals of Phi Delta Chi.

8 A Brotherly Obligation
The AAP is developed in a diverse manner so that each person in a Chapter can contribute A contribution can be anything from participating in a program to writing a report The AAP moves beyond a task-oriented burden when the Chapter implements it as a tool for growth, innovation, and Brother involvement THE TRUE ROLE OF THE WC IS AAP COORDINATOR

9 Helpful Hints for WC’s File one entire set of Achievement Award reports Let the chairperson of a project fill out the appropriate item in the Achievement Award report Give the chairperson a copy of the report to be filled out well in advance Delegate work on bigger projects (Chapter Publication)

10 Helpful Hints Communicate with your Regional Correspondent and ask questions if you have any problems Post the Bulletin Board Checklist where all Brothers can see ( to all involved) Use the AAP to plan out your entire year’s activities Work on all items well in advance Read the reports at Chapter Meetings so all brothers know what is being turned in Update chapter at monthly meetings with your chapter’s standings in AAP

11 Helpful Hints Look ahead to see what is due and plan your Chapter activities accordingly Do not wait until the last minute to complete reports. This should be a Chapter activity.

12 Thurston Cup Competition

13 Thurston Cup Competition
The Thurston Cup is not only about winning; it is about bringing out the best in your brothers Minimum competency in the AAP is the first place to start (100% for the year) Planning for success Professionalism above all else is the key to winning the Thurston cup Involve Chapter brothers, advisors, faculty members, alumni, other college organizations and the community as a whole Planning for success means that the chapter sets a goal and devotes time and resources to completing the components of the AAP that are evaluated for the Thurston cup. Professionalism: if the brothers of Phi Delta Chi seek to advance the profession and become leaders in their fields, then they must produce professional reports.

14 Thurston Cup Specifics
Components of the Thurston Cup: Prescott Scholarship Report (15%, October) Leadership Report (15%, November) Window Display Report (10%, March) Brotherhood Report (10%, April) Professional and Service Projects Report (15%, December; 15%, May) Annual Chapter Publication (20%, May)

15 The Albert Benjamin Prescott Scholarship Report
5 points towards AAP Awards: Rand P. Hollenback Scholarship to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners Judges: Regional Directors of Collegiate Affairs Criteria - Programs promoting scholastic improvement and achievement - Chapter recognition of scholastic improvement and/or excellence -Outcomes of Scholastic achievement by the chapter -Written Presentation

16 Leadership Report 5 points towards AAP
Awards: Leadership Cup to 1st place, engraved plaques to 2nd and 3rd place Judges: Leader-Development Seminar Directors and chosen facilitators Criteria - Programs promoting Leader-Development and achievement - Chapter recognition of Leader-Development and/or excellence - Outcomes of Leader-Development by Chapter - Written Presentation

17 Professional and Service Projects Report
10 points towards AAP Awards: Service cup to 1st place, engraved plaques to 2nd and 3rd Judges: Grand Officers - Number of Brothers participating in projects - Number of people served by projects - Number of Brother-hours spent conducting the projects - Professionalism of project (related to pharmacy) - Other quantitative data (money raised, people screened, size of audience, etc.)

18 Window Display with photograph(s)
5 points towards AAP Awards: Engraved plaques to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Judges: Regional Correspondents Criteria - Value of message to the public - Originality of theme - Professional character - Arrangement and neatness - Effort and work involved

19 Brotherhood Report 5 points towards AAP
Awards: $100 to 1st place for educational materials, plaques to 2nd and 3rd Judges: Past Grand Presidents Criteria - Sincerity - Brotherhood - Individuality - Professionalism - Uniqueness

20 Annual Chapter Publication
5 points towards AAP Awards: Norman H. Franke Scholarship, engraved plaques to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Judges: Regional Directors for Alumni Affairs Criteria - Content (history and progress of Chapter activities) - Interest to Alumni - Originality - Professional Style - Arrangement (layout) and neatness (typos?)

21 AAP Bonus Points Bonus points are available
Do not count on them to make up lost points throughout the year Each GVPSA has made the AAP harder and removed bonus points as chapters become more competitive

22 Conclusion The AAP is a tool by which Chapters can:
Meet the established standards of the Fraternity Communicate regularly with the Grand and Regional Officers Successful completion of all components of the AAP requires a group effort, one that includes all Chapter Brothers The Emory W. Thurston Grand President’s Cup is the culmination of the work of an entire chapter and a reward that each Chapter should continually strive to achieve

23 AAAE Thanks to previous GVPSA’s Stephen Esker, and Jennifer Esch for their contributions to this presentation. 4/10/2019

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