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Archetypes An archetype is a repeated symbol or motif that often appears in literature. Archetypes are characters or situations, not characteristics or.

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Presentation on theme: "Archetypes An archetype is a repeated symbol or motif that often appears in literature. Archetypes are characters or situations, not characteristics or."— Presentation transcript:

1 Archetypes An archetype is a repeated symbol or motif that often appears in literature. Archetypes are characters or situations, not characteristics or attributes.

2 The Villain Archetype Within stories, TV shows, fairy tales, plays, and movies, there in nearly always a character who seems to be an evil, unjust individual. This character, the villain, is generally portrayed as a self-centered, power craving, and heartless person. As time has progressed, the archetype of a villain has evolved and changed to fit into modern society’s standards.

3 Polyphemus Polyphemus was known for trapping Odysseus, a widely recognized hero, and his crew in a cave. He then proceeded to consume the men in groups of two. Polyphemus’ actions mirror those of an ancient villain in the way that he opposed a hero. In addition to this, Polyphemus’ actions were viewed as horrible and inhumane, thus making him appear to be heartless.

4 Kronos Parents generally love and care for their children, but this was not true in the case of Kronos. Kronos despised his children to such a great extent that he ate all of them whole. Kronos’ cruel actions, immense power, and immortality clearly cause Kronos to be categorized as a heartless villain.

5 King Minos King Minos was a cold hearted and selfish man. He constantly engaged in acts of adultery and treated his wife with little respect. Minos’ selfishness and cruel actions, as well as the power he possessed over his wife and others, leads people to picture him as a villain.

6 Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler was a fascist German ruler who initiated World War Two. Hitler’s cruel and inconsiderate actions allowed for the deaths of millions of Jews and non-Aryan individuals. Hitler was power hungry, selfish, and heartless as could be, clearly portraying the common characteristics of a villain.

7 Hannibal Lecter Hannibal Lecter was an extremely intelligent, cannibalistic serial killer. Lecter’s brilliance, heartlessness, and disturbing actions are the main qualities that cause him to be categorized as a villain.

8 Ursula Ursula was a cruel and selfish sea witch. The way in which Ursula possessed power over Ariel and her family, was extremely manipulative, and was clever causes her to be distinguished as a villain.

9 Voldemort Voldemort was a cold hearted, power hungry dark wizard. He was best known for heartlessly murdering other witches and wizards, as well as frightening others to the point where they refused to even speak his name. Voldemort's extreme power, influence over others, and inhumane actions cause him to be categorized as a villain.

10 Cruella de Ville Cruella de Ville was a cruel, wealthy, and influential woman. De Ville is described as a hellish figure who is impulsive, and thus prone to making poor decisions. Cruella is also viewed as invincible and extremely powerful. De Ville's power and invincibility causes her to be viewed as a villain.

11 Darth Vader Within the Star Wars series, Darth Vader is the primary antagonist. Darth Vader was a ruthless and dark character who was always out to capture the heroes of the film from doing good. Darth Vader's scheming ways, cruel actions and decisions, and his opposition to the protagonists classifies him as a villain.

12 Michael Meyers Michael Meyers was a notorious killer who had a knack for stalking people. Meyers' first victim was his older sister, Judith. After being sent away to a mental hospital, Meyers broke free to kill his remaining family members, and thus his killing spree began. Meyers' whimsical killing tactics and inhumane behaviors are what cause him to be classified as a villain.

13 Why Did I Choose These Characters?
All of the images in my slideshow represent characters who are the epitome of a villain. Each individual or character possesses at least three qualities or characteristics that cause he or she to be classified as a notorious, cold hearted villain. The most commonly shared characteristics that define this particular archetype include: heartlessness, the completion of inhumane actions, possessing immense power over a large group of people, and being feared by many.

14 The Importance of Archetypes
As I completed this project, I learned many important things about archetypes. I now know that archetypes are not stereotypes or just characteristics, but rather characters or situations. I also understand that archetypes include nearly all boundaries such as race, ethnicity, and culture. Archetypes play an important role in literature due to the fact that they act as universal symbols. Archetypes ultimately shape the structure and function of books and other forms of literature. Arcehtypes allow readers to understand a character's situation, decisions, and actions, thus helping the reader to "become the character". This connection between the character and the reader enhance the reading experience and makes the novel more enjoyable.

15 Michael Meyers Theme Song
Villain Music Michael Meyers Theme Song Music like the song and tones featured above clearly represent the mood created by a villain. Villains generally instill fear in many and cause individuals to feel eerie and uncomfortable. The Michael Meyers theme song features many sounds that may result in one becoming nervous or frightened.

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