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Stockholm Environment Institute

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Presentation on theme: "Stockholm Environment Institute"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stockholm Environment Institute
”Planning and implementation of sustainable sanitation in peri and semi-urban settings – need for development of existing tools?”

2 SEI: Bridging science and policy on environment and development issues Non-profit, independent research institute with seven centres around the world SEI Mission: - To support decision-making and introduce change towards sustainable development around the world by providing integrative knowledge that bridges science and policy in the field of environment and development SEI Research areas: Climate and Energy Risk, Livelihoods & Vulnerability Future Sustainability Policy and Institutions Atmospheric Environment Water Resources & Sanitation

3 EcoSanRes Program
A GLOBAL Pro-Poor Capacity Development Program in SUSTAINABLE SANITATION financed by Sida

4 UN Millennium Development Goal
“Halve by the year 2015 the proportion of people lacking access to improved sanitation” Globally, 95,000 HHs per day need to be provided with sanitation or 65 per minute Important that these efforts are made in a sustainable manner, focusing on sustainable sanitation Photos: E. Kvarnström

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