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Volume 392, Issue 10145, Pages (August 2018)

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1 Volume 392, Issue 10145, Pages 400-408 (August 2018)
Esomeprazole and aspirin in Barrett's oesophagus (AspECT): a randomised factorial trial  Prof Janusz A Z Jankowski, MD, Prof John de Caestecker, MD, Sharon B Love, BSc, Gavin Reilly, MSc, Peter Watson, MD, Scott Sanders, MD, Prof Yeng Ang, MD, Danielle Morris, MD, Prof Pradeep Bhandari, MD, Claire Brooks, MSc, Prof Stephen Attwood, MD, Rebecca Harrison, MBChB, Prof Hugh Barr, MD, Prof Paul Moayyedi, MD Krish Ragunath, Bashir Rameh, Grant Fullarton, Art Tucker, Ian Penman, Colin Rodgers, James Neale, Cathryn Edwards, Adelyn Wise, Stephen Jones, Nicholas Church, Kishor Vaidya, Sherzad Balata, John Todd, Michael Gibbons, David Johnston, Mark Anderson, Gareth Davies, William Dickey, Andrew Murdock, Graham Turner, Andrew Goddard, Stephen Gore, Chris Haigh, Timothy Harding, Lucina Jackson, Iain Murray, Joy Worthingon, Thomas Lee, Peik Loon Lim, James McLoughlin, Christopher Macdonald, Philip Mairs, David Monk, Sean Preston, Stirling Pugh, Howard Smart, Ashraf Soliman, Peter Isaacs, David Aldulaimi, Nigel Trudgill, Julian Teare, Abduljalil Benhamida, Andrew Bell, Robert Boulton-Jones, Tawfique Daneshmend, Hisaharu Suzuki, Sue Cullen, Rebecca Fitzgerald, Rupert Ransford, Mohammad Mesbahur Rahman, Giovanni Domenico Tebala, Michael Hallissey, Carrie Kelly, Tamas Hickish, Ali Taha, Johan Rademaker, Mark Whitehead, Sean Kelly, Perminder Phull, Naveen Sharma, Ian Perry, Vankatraman Sankara-Raman, Haythem Ali, Iqbal Khan, Howard Curtis, Martin Wadley, Adam Stone, Sumesh Sukumaran, Andrew Higham, Stephen Lewis, Adam Haycock, Bernhard Usselmann, Simon Douglas Johnston, Tony Tham, Stewart Campbell, Andrew Douds, Jason Dunn, Ian Sargeant, Mark Narain, Nick Maynard, Andrew Chilton, Susi Green, Duncan Loft, Bart Decadt, Michael Mendall, Mathis Heydtmann, Neil Fisher Prof Janusz A Z Jankowski, MD, Prof John de Caestecker, MD, Sharon B Love, BSc, Gavin Reilly, MSc, Peter Watson, MD, Scott Sanders, MD, Prof Yeng Ang, MD, Danielle Morris, MD, Prof Pradeep Bhandari, MD, Claire Brooks, MSc, Prof Stephen Attwood, MD, Rebecca Harrison, MBChB, Prof Hugh Barr, MD, Prof Paul Moayyedi, MD Krish Ragunath, Bashir Rameh, Grant Fullarton, Art Tucker, Ian Penman, Colin Rodgers, James Neale, Cathryn Edwards, Adelyn Wise, Stephen Jones, Nicholas Church, Kishor Vaidya, Sherzad Balata, John Todd, Michael Gibbons, David Johnston, Mark Anderson, Gareth Davies, William Dickey, Andrew Murdock, Graham Turner, Andrew Goddard, Stephen Gore, Chris Haigh, Timothy Harding, Lucina Jackson, Iain Murray, Joy Worthingon, Thomas Lee, Peik Loon Lim, James McLoughlin, Christopher Macdonald, Philip Mairs, David Monk, Sean Preston, Stirling Pugh, Howard Smart, Ashraf Soliman, Peter Isaacs, David Aldulaimi, Nigel Trudgill, Julian Teare, Abduljalil Benhamida, Andrew Bell, Robert Boulton-Jones, Tawfique Daneshmend, Hisaharu Suzuki, Sue Cullen, Rebecca Fitzgerald, Rupert Ransford, Mohammad Mesbahur Rahman, Giovanni Domenico Tebala, Michael Hallissey, Carrie Kelly, Tamas Hickish, Ali Taha, Johan Rademaker, Mark Whitehead, Sean Kelly, Perminder Phull, Naveen Sharma, Ian Perry, Vankatraman Sankara-Raman, Haythem Ali, Iqbal Khan, Howard Curtis, Martin Wadley, Adam Stone, Sumesh Sukumaran, Andrew Higham, Stephen Lewis, Adam Haycock, Bernhard Usselmann, Simon Douglas Johnston, Tony Tham, Stewart Campbell, Andrew Douds, Jason Dunn, Ian Sargeant, Mark Narain, Nick Maynard, Andrew Chilton, Susi Green, Duncan Loft, Bart Decadt, Michael Mendall, Mathis Heydtmann, Neil Fisher  The Lancet  Volume 392, Issue 10145, Pages (August 2018) DOI: /S (18) Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY 4.0 license Terms and Conditions

2 Figure 1 Trial profile The intention-to-treat analysis included all patients who underwent randomisation, with the eception of those who withdrew consent to the use of their data. PPI=proton-pump inhibitor. *Details of exclusions for other reasons are available in the appendix. †255 patients were randomised to the PPI groups only. The Lancet  , DOI: ( /S (18) ) Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY 4.0 license Terms and Conditions

3 Figure 2 Event-free survival
Curves show survival until the composite endpoint events (high-grade dysplasia, oesophageal adenocarcinoma, all-cause mortality) in the (A) high-dose PPI and low-dose PPI groups, (B) the aspirin and no aspirin groups, and (C) all four treatment groups. PPI=proton-pump inhibitor. The Lancet  , DOI: ( /S (18) ) Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY 4.0 license Terms and Conditions

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