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CMB-S4 Detectors & Readout Task Force Update

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1 CMB-S4 Detectors & Readout Task Force Update
Mark Reichanadter March 14, 2019

2 Detectors and Readout Task Force
CMB S-4 (3J’s) established a Detectors and Readout (D&R) Task Force to survey existing detector fabrication assets and to optimize production plans for detector fabrication, assembly and testing. Includes evaluation of existing equipment (and/or upgrades), personnel (and training) and process yield validation. Charge addresses also recommendations from DSR Review. D&R Task Force Membership Mark Reichanadter (SLAC ret.) – Lead Gunther Haller (SLAC) – D&R PM Support Brenna Flaugher (FNAL) – IPO R&D Project Manager Brad Benson (FNAL) – D&R R&D Plan Coordinator Bill Holzapfel (UC-Berkeley) – External Expert Ed Wollack (GSFC) – External Expert

3 Detectors and Readout Task Force
Detector fabrication and assembly & testing will likely be located at different sites, the Task Force work is in two phases: Phase 1 – Evaluate existing and potentially future facilities for fabrication of detector and cold readout components. Seven potential facilities were identified: ANL, GSFC, JPL, LBNL (Commercial), NIST, SLAC, UC-Berkeley RFIs were sent and all facilities responded Phase 1 recommendations to 3J’s by mid-April Phase 2 – Evaluate existing facilities for detector module assembly, testing, and verification. Recommendations by end of June … depends on Phase 1

4 Early Phase 1 Impressions of the Task Force
Detector fabrication is on the critical path in the reference schedule (~3 years duration). Multiple sites are needed and available. Demonstrated production rate at fab sites are reasonably consistent with each other and the DR reference model (potential improvements with commercial fabrication). There are essential infrastructure investments needed at some of the fab sites to bring them to a state of production readiness. Funding for these upgrades is being pursued off-project. After factoring in yield assumptions and risks typically encountered in detector fab, the detector fab schedule appears to be consistent with the DR reference model assumption in P6. There appear to be opportunities to reduce the schedule, but this needs a bit more investigation.

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