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Presentation on theme: "EMBEDDING TRANSFORMATIVE PRIORITIES INTO THE STI LANDSCAPE"— Presentation transcript:

The 4th International Seville Conference on Future-Oriented Technology Analysis (FTA) 12 & 13 May 2011 EMBEDDING TRANSFORMATIVE PRIORITIES INTO THE STI LANDSCAPE EXPERIENCE FROM THE BMBF-FORESIGHT SYSTEM Philine Warnke Fraunhofer ISI

2 Embedding Transformative Priorities
Point of departure RTI priorities for the “grand challenges of our time” are different from thematic ones not only in content but also in kind. Reason: need to align social and technological innovation to modulate socio-technical co-evolution pathways

3 Transformative Priorities – tentative characteristics Shared Inclusive
Embedding Transformative Priorities Transformative Priorities – tentative characteristics Shared Inclusive Hybrid Experimental (Extra)-systemic Glocal High potential for Foresight to contribute to generation of TPs provided that methodological potential is fully exploited

4 Transformative Priorities emerging in recent Foresight exercises ...
Embedding Transformative Priorities Observation Transformative Priorities emerging in recent Foresight exercises ... Better life space – space for life and growth Forsk2015 Denmark Progressive coupling of urban development, physical planning and social progress What does the “greying” of society mean? NL Horizon scan Understanding socio-cultural change in an aging society Manufacturing on demand UK TIF Distributed localised manufacturing of personalised products with rapid manufacturing technologies and new business and service models

5 BUT generation is not enough
Embedding Transformative Priorities BUT generation is not enough Transformative Priorities challenge existing organisational structures which are organised according to established paradigm Specific effort is required of embedding them into actors’ strategic processes

6 Experience from Germany
Embedding Transformative Priorities Experience from Germany Priorities with transformative potential identified in Foresight process ProductionConsumption2.0 Systemic socio-technical innovation towards sustainable patterns of production and consumption. Human-Technology Cooperation Transdisciplinary research on new formations of humans and technology In spite of high recognition by several actors implementation proves challenging. Boundary spanning work required.

7 BMBF Approach: Foresight System Main elements
Embedding Transformative Priorities BMBF Approach: Foresight System Main elements Strategic Dialogues with key actors inside BMBF and RTI landscape fostering appropriation and embedding (c.f. Lohr& Hallensleben) Monitoring system observing TPs advising complementary measures and preparing subsequent scanning phase Embedded evaluation

8 Function of Monitoring System
Embedding Transformative Priorities Function of Monitoring System Foresight System: Continuous, iterative, learning Scanning I Analysis I Integration, Implementation Scanning II Analysis II Monitoring System: Tracking of results Observation of framework conditions Systematic preparation of next phase Support for implementation Systematic Foresight: Constant provision of information for strategic decision making Bode and Beyer-Kutzner 2010

9 Several elements being implemented in different ways
Embedding Transformative Priorities Experience to date Several elements being implemented in different ways but at the same time transformative perspective being “safeguarded” by the monitoring system

10 implementation requires a much stronger effort.
Embedding Transformative Priorities Conclusions Foresight may have a crucial role to play in generating transformative RTI priorities with an impact on GCs if methodological potential is fully exploited implementation requires a much stronger effort. A substantial move towards adaptive and embedded Foresight systems as initiated by BMBF seems adequate


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