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Complexity in cosmic structures

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1 Complexity in cosmic structures
Francesco Sylos Labini Enrico Fermi Center & Institute for Complex Systems (ISC-CNR) Rome Italy A.Gabrielli, FSL, M. Joyce, L. Pietronero Statistical physics for cosmic structures Springer Verlag 2005

2 Early times density fields
COBE DMR, 1992 WMAP satellite 2006

3 Late times density fields
300 Mpc/h (2006) 150 Mpc/h (1990) 5 Mpc/h

4 The problem of cosmological structure formation
Initial conditions: Uniform distribution (small amplitude fluctuations) Dynamics: infinite self-gravitating system Final conditions: Stronlgy clustered, power-law correlations

5 What do we know about dark matter ?
Cosmological energy budget: the “standard model” Non baryonic dark matter (e.g. CDM): -never detected on Earth -needed to make structures compatible with anisotropies Dark Energy -never detected on Earth -needed to explain SN data What do we know about dark matter ? Fundamental and observational constraints

6 Classification of uniform structures
Substantially Poisson (finite correlation length) Gas Super-Poisson (infinite correlation length) Critical system Extremely fine-tuned distributions Sub-Poisson (ordered or super-homogeneous) HZ tail

7 Problem at large angular scales
CMBR: results CMBR Problem at large angular scales P(k) = k --> C l(l+1) = const Gravitational effect Angular correlation function vanishes at > 60 deg (COBE/WMAP teams and Schwartz et al. 2004) Small quadrupole/octupole (COBE/WMAP teams)

8 Extendend Classification of homogeneous structures
Statistically isotropic and homogeneous Super-homogeneous Poisson-like Critical Fractals: isotropic but not homogeneous

9 Conditional correlation properties

10 Galaxy correlations: results
Sylos Labini, F., Montuori M. & Pietronero L. Phys Rep, 293, 66 (1998) Hogg et al. (SDSS Collaboration). ApJ, 624, 54 (2005)

11 From order to complex structures:
Discrete gravitational N body problem From order to complex structures: A Toy model Gravitational Dynamics generates Complex Structures Power law correlations Non Gaussian velocity distributions Probability distributions with “fat tails” (In)dipendence on IC and universal properties….

12 Structure formation: the cosmological problem

13 Homogeneity scale: not yet identified in galaxy distributions
Summary HZ tail: the only distinctive feature of FRW-IC in matter distribution is the behavior of the large scales tail of the real space correlation function Note yet observed in galaxy distributions Problem with large angle CMBR anisotropies Homogeneity scale: not yet identified in galaxy distributions Structures in N-Body simulations: too small and maybe different in nature from galaxy structures Basic propeerties of SGS

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