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Outlier Respecting Points Approximation

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1 Outlier Respecting Points Approximation
Danny Z. Chen and Haitao Wang Computer Science and Engineering University of Notre Dame Indiana, USA

2 The motivation Propose a new problem model for dealing with outliers
an optimal solution data without outliers data many optimal solutions outliers a particular optimal solution that respects outliers

3 Points approximation Input: A point set P in 2-D
Output: An approximation function f Approximation error: Vertical distance e(P,f)=max{error of each point} error

4 The problem (min-#) Given: An allowed error ε≥ 0
Goal: an approximation function f of minimized size, such that e(p,f) ≤ε

5 Problem variations Step function (SF) error

6 Problem variations (cont.)
Piecewise-linear function (PF) error

7 Problem variations (cont.)
Weighted versions for both SF and PF Every point has a weight ui Error of each point: ui×vertical distance WSF and WPF there is a weight ui vertical distance

8 Problem variations (cont.)
Outlier versions: Allow a given number g of outliers e(P,f)=max{error of every non-outlier point} error an outlier

9 Problem variations (cont.)
Outlier versions of SF, WSF OSF and OWSF error outlier

10 Problem variations (cont.)
Outlier versions of PF, WPF OPF and OWPF error outlier

11 Outlier-respecting versions (new)
Allow a given number g of outliers e(P,f)=max{errors of non-outlier points} Outlier error: e’(P,f)=max{errors of outliers} Goal: minimize the size |f|, such that e(P,f)≤ε among all optimal solutions for the minimized |f|, find the solution with minimum outlier error e’(P,f)

12 An example outlier an SF case: ɛ=1.5, g=1 (one outlier) y (4,5) ORSF
outlier error: 3.5 (3,2) 1.5 (2,1) 0.5 OSF outlier error: 4.5 x (1,0)

13 Outlier-respecting versions (cont.)
Step function: SF -> OSF -> ORSF Weighted: WSF -> OWSF -> ORWSF Piecewise linear function: PF->OPF->ORPF Weighted: WPF -> OWPF -> ORWPF

14 Previous results problem versions results OSF
O(ng2) [Fournier and Vigneron,08’] OWSF O(ng2) [Chen and Wang 09’] OPF O(ng4log2n) [Chen and Wang 09’] OWPF

15 Our new results on the outlier-respecting versions
problem versions results OSF O(ng2) ORSF O(ng3logn) OWSF ORWSF O(ng3lognlogg) OPF O(ng4log2n) OWPF ORPF O(n2+δg δlogn) ORWPF O(glogn) O(glogn) O(n)

16 Our algorithms A dynamic programming algorithmic scheme for all problems (ORSF, ORWSF, ORPF, ORWPF) Different computational components for each specific problem

17 The computational components
The computational components of our algorithmic scheme Compute w(i,j,q) for each query on (i,j,q) 1≤i ≤j≤n, for point index, 0 ≤q≤g, for the number of outliers w(i,j,q): the outlier error of using one segment to approximate {pi,pi+1,…,pj} with q outliers outliers wijq pi pj

18 Computing w(i,j,q) for ORSF
Observation: Only need to consider the highest q points and the lowest q points outlier wijq pi pj the case q=1

19 Computing w(i,j,q) for ORSF
Observation: Only need to consider the highest q points and the lowest q points 2 outliers wijq pi pj the case q=2

20 Computing w(i,j,q) for ORSF
Find the highest and lowest q points Use a q-range-minima data structure O(q) time, with O(nlognlogq) time preprocessing (Chen and Wang 09’) Compute wijq: O(q) time

21 Computing w(i,j,q) for ORWSF
Observation: a point pt can be approximated within error ɛ by a segment if and only if the y-coordinate of the segment is in the interval [yt-ɛ/ut,yt+ɛ/ut] yt-ɛ/ut is the lower end of the interval yt+ɛ/ut is the upper end of the interval pi pj

22 Computing w(i,j,q) for ORWSF (cont.)
Observation: only need to consider the points with q highest lower ends and q lowest upper ends q=3 outliers pi pj

23 Computing w(i,j,q) for ORWSF (cont.)
A difficulty: determine the optimal segment in the strip to minimize the outlier error Model it as finding the lowest point in the common intersection of a set of upper half-planes A naïve approach takes O(q2) time O(qlogq) time: model it as updating the upper envelope for an offline sequence half-plane insertions and deletions common intersection lowest point

24 Computing w(i,j,q) for ORWSF (cont.)
Compute the q points with highest lower end and the q points with lowest upper end O(q) time Determine the value of w(i,j,q) O(qlogq) time

25 Computing w(i,j,q) for ORPF/ORWPF
Total time: O((nq1.5)1+δ) time 3-D segment dragging queries: A convex polyhedron G in 3-D Each query is specified by a line segment e outside G and a direction perpendicular to e, find the first point (if any) on G that is hit by e if we move e along the direction Our result: With O(n) preprocessing, answer each query in O(logn) time e G

26 Thank you

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