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(Automated Attendance System)

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Presentation on theme: "(Automated Attendance System)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (Automated Attendance System)
AAS (Automated Attendance System) By : Worod zafer Shoroq abu omar

2 Outlines Introduction Why ?… the main idea Procedure Flowchart
Hardware Software Applications

3 Introduction Our project is an electronic absent checker , which detect the absent using a wires detecting matrix.

4 Why ? Students are less and less motivated to come to the lecture rooms due to availability of almost all information on the internet . Doctors and instructors have to ensure student attendance and that is a time consuming. Ease of use , just a single click This idea insure that the students are available along the lecture time

5 Procedure Using floor mat scanning as soon as that student take his place, then he is automatically register in the data base. Using a Relay to turn on adevice as student taken his/her place. By using infrared we enabled the doctor to control the door of lab from distance .

6 Flow chart Objects Detecting Mat Microprocessor Devices LCD Display

7 Hardware Detecting Mat. PIC18F4620. LCD. Relays Tsop. Max.

8 Detecting Mat Wood board.
Wires are connected in a grid matrix vertically and horizontally Vertical wires are placed 2 mm higher than horizontal wires Contact is made by pressing down vertical wires to horizontal wires

9 Software Transmit chosen row to hardware.
Receive occupant’s data from hardware. Display student number . Turn on/off devices.

10 Applications Less power consumption in homes Security detection system
In cars.

11 The End

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