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P16590 Low Cost Fundus Camera

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1 P16590 Low Cost Fundus Camera Casey Petzel, Cecelia Demarest, Kelly Dunn, Matt Little, and Ryan Moran

2 Project Background A fundus camera is used to photograph the retina to provide information about a patient's eye. Diabetic retinopathy is a complication associated with diabetes, eventually leading to blindness. Most people will only see a specialist after damage to the retina has occurred Used exclusively in an Opthamologist's office With proper care, patients with retinopathy can reduce their risk of blindness by 95%. Typically very expensive and heavy [Ask audience about having any corrective lenses] We are project 16590, the Low Cost Fundus Camera and I am Casey Petzel, the EDGE lead. A fundus camera is typically a medical imaging device to used diagnose diabetic retinopathy, a disease that can cause blindness if not caught early enough. This poses a problem because symptoms are typically noticed after the retina is damaged then where a patient would see an Ophthalmologist. These devices are normally stationary, heavy and mydriadic, a chemical dilation of the eye; something that many people like to stray away from. After looking at current commercial products and taking aim at the goals of our customer, we have developed what we would like to correct for our fundus camera.

3 Problem Statement Due to the need for pupil dilation, specialized camera equipment, staff, and facilities, diabetic patients often do not receive regular screenings. By creating a low-cost, portable, and easy to use fundus camera, screening for retinopathy in diabetic patients can be performed by a general practitioner. Our goal is to create a light, portable and affordable Fundus camera to be used by a General Practitioner, or trained individual. It is important that this does not use chemicals to dilate the retina. This camera would screen the patient for retinopathy, and should anything look peculiar, the screener would recommend going to an ophthalmologist for an official diagnosis.

4 Customer Requirements

5 Engineering Requirements

6 Risk Management Category Potential Problems Solution/Mitigation Optics
Field of view, Price Speak with optics professor Non Mydriatic Camera flash is too bright Research required brightness, Potential use of a hood Reconstruction of Previous Project Incorrect Set-up Research previous teams Edge files

7 Use Cases Basic check up Patient Primary Doctor Opthalm-ologist
Patient Record Comes in for check up Starts basic eye exam Prepares Camera Puts head in position Is patient ready? Focuses Camera Takes Picture Is disease detected? Receives Patient Data Pictures are stored No Good Picture Yes Bad Picture

8 Benchmarking Product Name Angle of View Non Mydriatic Weight
Power Source Dimensions Minimum pupil size Working Distance CX-1 Canon 45° Yes 57lb V 12.6”x20.9x22.3” 3.8mm 35mm Visucam Pro NM 30°/45° 66lb 16.1”x18.9”x25.6” 3.3mm/4mm 40mm TRC NW400 40lb 15”x26”x28” 34.8mm

9 Project Plan MSD I Brainstorm and develop concept designs
What to keep from previous project Speak with optics professor Draft design List of materials and research manufacturers · My name is Kelly Dunn and my role on the team is project manager. · The first part of our project plan will be brainstorming and developing different concept designs. o We already have a couple of ideas for the direction that we would like our camera to take. · We will be looking more closely at the previous year’s design and decide what exactly we would like to keep. o We will certainly benefit from their knowledge gained on optics, as we foresee that being a major hurdle for us. · With the information provided by last year’s team, we will be speaking with an optics professor to better our understanding of the information in hand. · After deciding which concept design we would like to go with, we will draft a design for MSD 2. With this draft design in hand, we will create a list of materials and begin researching different manufacturers.

10 MSD II Design, build, and test optical structure Develop application
Integrate camera into optical structure Research FDA regulations and measure brightness Fabricate lens attachment and device mount Test Device · Starting in the spring, we will finalize our draft design and begin building and testing the optical structure. · Depending on which concept design we choose, we will have an application to design and test. · While the software is being developed, a couple of us will work on integrating the actual camera into the optical structure. · Our camera needs to be non-mydriatic, which means that dilation of the eye must not be necessary for capturing a photograph. o We need to research FDA requirements and determine how bright the flash needs to be so that it doesn’t harm the patient. · Depending on which concept we decide on, a lens attachment and device mount may need to be designed and fabricated. · Finally, we will need to test and troubleshoot our device before ImagineRIT.

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