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Mrs. Cohen’s Science Class Intro to Chemical symbols

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1 Mrs. Cohen’s Science Class Intro to Chemical symbols
Monday 10/2 Tuesday 10/3 Wednesday 10/4 Thursday 10/5 Friday 10/6 Do Now Honors: review HW What else could it be? Read over notes Element Vs Compound Draw/label/sketch HW: Taped in handout E vs C practice Review hw Intro to Chemical symbols Subscripts Coefficients Groups Periods Tape- ins Chemical Symbols Periodic Table Practice worksheet Jefferson Labs Webquest

2 Miss Viggiano and Miss Leach’s Science Class
Monday 9/17 Tuesday 9/18 Wednesday 9/19 Thursday 9/20 Friday 9/21 DO NOW Check and Review HW Scientific Method Text pgs Workbook Pgs. 9-14 “What is the Scientific Method?” HW: Define: Mass, Volume, Density Lab Report Handout “Layering Liquids” Demo Why do we conduct lab reports? Finish Lab Report Worksheet “Sink or Float” Demo Apply/use lab report format to demonstration Identify Lab Equipment & uses-text pgs “International System of Units”worksheet HW: Finish worksheet How do we measure length? Metric Scavenger Hunt!!! Work w/lab partner ACTIVITY: Measuring the Volume of a liquid Working in groups at tables PQ???

3 Miss Viggiano’s Science Class
Monday 1/3 Tuesday 1/4 Wednesday 1/5 Thursday 1/6 Friday 1/7 Review 5-1/5-2 & Counting atoms(Quiz) Coefficients 6-3 Balancing Chemical Equations HW: Balancing Equations Ditto Review HW Chemical Reactions Vocabulary additions Show examples of Science Fair Boards HW: 6-4 Ditto Review 6-4 HW Review for Test Discuss Science Fair HW: STUDY FOR TEST (AFTER SCHOOL HELP TODAY) 832 & 833 Chapter 6 Test 831 & 834 HW: SCIENCE FAIR PROJECTS DUE MONDAY!

4 Miss Viggiano’s Science Class
Monday 1/10 Tuesday 1/11 Wednesday 1/12 Thursday 1/13 Friday 1/14 Science Fair Presentations REWARD DAY! Intro to Chapter 8: Weather Bill Nye Video & Worksheet HW: Prepare to get back to work on Monday!

5 Miss Viggiano’s Class Monday 1/17 Tuesday 1/18 Wednesday 1/19 Thursday
1/20 Friday 1/21 No School! Review & complete Ch. 8 Vocab Bubbles Wind demo Clouds & overhead worksheet HW: 8-1 ditto “Clouds and What They Mean” video & worksheet Dew point & Relative Humidity Measuring Dew Point Lab p. 245 & 249 Bill Nye “Water Cycle” video w/20 facts Begin Water Cycle p. 243 Review p. 250 OR HW HW: 8-1 Quest ditto Review the Water Cycle & HW Discuss Precipitation & Temperature Demo? Begin Changes in Weather: Fronts 8-2 ditto in Class?

6 Miss Viggiano’s Science Class
Monday 1/31 Tuesday 2/1 Wednesday 2/2 Thursday 2/3 Friday 2/4 Weather Chart Outdoor Observations Tornado Lab p. 261 832 & 833 Quiz! Tracking a Hurricane 831 & 834 Quiz! HW: Bring in weather forecast map from newspaper Newspaper Review Mindmap Study guide handout Mindmap Continued Q & A’s for test HW: Study For Ch. 8 Test! Chapter 8 Test

7 Miss Viggiano’s Science Class
Monday 11/01 Tuesday 11/02 Wednesday 11/03 Thursday 11/04 Friday 11/05 Seating “Getting to know you” activity Rules Mind map handout & review POP QUIZ! ½ period- Review Ch. 7 ½ period GEPA-Ch. 1 Scientific Method HW-STUDY FOR CH. 7 TEST Ch. 7 Test Science Fair: -Approved topics -Hypothesis Parent letter Handout HW-Rough- Draft hypothesis Due MONDAY * Be prepared to begin Ch. 4 next week! No School!

8 Miss Viggiano’s Science Class
Monday 11/01 Tuesday 11/02 Wednesday 11/03 Thursday 11/04 Friday 11/05 Seating “Getting to know you” activity Rules Mind map handout & review POP QUIZ! ½ period- Review Ch. 7 ½ period GEPA-Ch. 1 Scientific Method HW-STUDY FOR CH. 7 TEST Ch. 7 Test Science Fair: -Approved topics -Hypothesis Parent letter Handout HW-Rough- Draft hypotheis Due MONDAY * Be prepared to begin Ch. 4 next week!

9 Miss Viggiano’s Science Class
Monday 11/08 Tuesday 11/09 Wednesday 11/10 Thursday 11/11 Friday 11/12 -Collect hypothesis drafts -10min. Discuss Procedure (ex. Cookie recipe) Intro to Ch. 4 Bill Nye Video & worksheet Internet Lesson Closing questions CH. 7 Tests back! -Second group hypothesis drafts due Continued: Structure of the Atom Worksheet 4-1 Hypothesis due 4-2 Subatomic Particles Drawing the Atom Procedure discussions Take home parent letters HW-Final Procedures Due TOMORROW Final Procedures Due Library Day HW- Get letters to folks signed! Parents’ letters due back signed 832 Library 831, 833, 834: GEPA lesson p. 98 Finish up Subatomic Particles Intro to Energy Levels of Electrons and Quarks

10 Miss Viggiano’s Science Class
Monday 11/01 Tuesday 11/02 Wednesday 11/03 Thursday 11/04 Friday 11/05 Seating “Getting to know you” activity Rules Mind map handout & review POP QUIZ! ½ period- Review Ch. 7 ½ period GEPA-Ch. 1 Scientific Method HW-STUDY FOR CH. 7 TEST Ch. 7 Test Science Fair: -Approved topics -Hypothesis Parent letter Handout HW-Rough- Draft hypothesis Due MONDAY * Be prepared to begin Ch. 4 next week! No School!

11 Miss Viggiano’s Science Class
Monday 11/15 Tuesday 11/16 Wednesday 11/17 Thursday 11/18 Friday 11/19 Finish 4-2 Worksheet Intro to Energy levels & Quarks! HW: Research papers due tomorrow! RESEARCH PAPERS DUE Scientists Review & handout Review & Assess Worksheet Go through Research Plans HW: Finish Research Plan kit & get signed Research Plans Due Ch. 4 Bingo & Challenge HW: Study for Quiz tomorrow Structure of Atoms QUIZ! Intro to the Periodic Table “The Power of the Periodic Table” & notes Isotopes & Atomic Mass Investigate p.152 & 153 Periodic Table worksheet

12 Miss Viggiano’s Science Class
Monday 11/22 Tuesday 11/23 Wednesday 11/24 Thursday 11/25 Friday 11/26 Review Isotopes & Atomic Mass Intro to The Periodic Table Color and label the Periodic Table “How Elements Got Their Name” Worksheet “What does the Periodic Table...” Overhead lesson Element Day Project HW: Pick an element & draw its atomic structure Element assignment due Handouts: “Element Search” & Websites Library Day HW: Finish “Element Search”ditto NO SCHOOL! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

13 Miss Viggiano’s Science Class Work on Element Day Project!
Monday 11/29 Tuesday 11/30 Wednesday 12/1 Thursday 12/2 Friday 12/3 Element Day Draft Due Review Periodic Table Finish Ditto #23, “What does the Periodic Table...” Review Scientists Handout Science Fair Boards 833 & 832: In-class element project Handout ditto’s- Packets 11 & 12 833/32 HW: Lesson #11 packet 831& 834: Library Day Packet #11 ditto review Begin #12 831 & 834: Handout ditto’s- Packet #11 831/34 HW: Lesson #11 packet PQ Review Ditto Packets 11 # 12 ½ period: in-class element project Science Fair Element Bingo and/or HW: Work on Element Day Project!

14 Miss Viggiano’s Science Class
Monday 12/6 Tuesday 12/7 Wednesday 12/8 Thursday 12/9 Friday 12/10 Review Chapter’s 4 & 5 Final Element Day Questions HW: Come prepared to give your presentation WEARING your element! ELEMENT DAY PROJECTS DUE! Final element presentations from yesterday Review for Test Pre-test today HW: Study for test tomorrow! 5 minute review Chapter 4 & 5 Test Atoms & Periodic Table

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