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05.05.09 Logframe Consultation seminar on the preparation of full Application Form for LSP 6 December 2011, Tartu.

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Presentation on theme: "05.05.09 Logframe Consultation seminar on the preparation of full Application Form for LSP 6 December 2011, Tartu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Logframe Consultation seminar on the preparation of full Application Form for LSP 6 December 2011, Tartu

2 Adjustments - Logframe
Adjustments - Logframe Logical Framework: In most of cases needs the improvement!!! Work with the Applicant on it – to make it consistent with the Description of the Action Ideally a contract to be signed with a proper Logical framework: It will help to the Applicant and partners in Action’s implementation Will serve to the monitoring purposes But keeping it aside the contract and still using for monitoring purpose could also be an option

3 1 Logframe – project design logic 2 3 4 Means Costs Intervention logic
Logframe – project design logic Intervention logic Objectively verifiable indicators of achievement Sources and means of verification Assumptions Overall objectives 1 Specific objective Expected results  3 Activities 4 Means Costs

4 1 Logframe – adjustments logic 4 3 2 Means Costs Intervention logic
Logframe – adjustments logic Intervention logic Objectively verifiable indicators of achievement Sources and means of verification Assumptions Overall objectives  4 Specific objective  3 Expected results Activities  2 Means Costs

5 Logframe – verification logic
Logframe – verification logic Intervention logic Objectively verifiable indicators of achievement Sources and means of verification Assumptions Overall objectives Specific objective Expected results Activities Means Costs

6 Logframe A different, ”third” logic of working!
Logframe A different, ”third” logic of working! Identify which parts of the AForm corresponds to each level of the Logframe Start from Results and Outputs The most important part, usually more or less well formulated To be checked against AForm, formulations adjusted if needed Normally shouldn’t change during the project implementation, whereas Activities could be adjusted How do you reflect Outputs, which are not in the Logframe but are undispensable to formulate the Results?

7 Logframe When the results are formulated, check the Activities, which contribute to them (passing by Outputs) Make sure that all the activities are attributed to a Result The Activities are sufficient to achieve the results Check that indicators are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) Realistic indicators Check sources of verification... Risks/assumptions very important! Ex: reducing polution of the river by 20%, but it’s poluted upstream

8 Logframe - verification
Logframe - verification Is the vertical logic complete and accurate? Are the indicators and sources of verification available and reliable? Are assumptions and preconditions realistic? Are risks acceptable? Is the probability of achieving the objectives high? Are programme principles taken into account? (cross-border impact, equal opportunities, etc.) Are the expenses justified by the expected benefits?

9 Further Information JOINT TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT Phone: +371 6750 9520
Further Information JOINT TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT Phone: Fax: Ausekļa Street 14 – 3rd Floor, Riga, LV-1010, Latvia

10 Thank You for attention!
10 10

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