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Chomp! chomp! This presentation is brought to you by Grammar Bytes!, ©2016 by Robin L. Simmons.

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Presentation on theme: "Chomp! chomp! This presentation is brought to you by Grammar Bytes!, ©2016 by Robin L. Simmons."— Presentation transcript:

1 chomp! chomp! This presentation is brought to you by Grammar Bytes!, ©2016 by Robin L. Simmons.

2 Verb Forms I know you can say hook , hooked . . .
But can you say took, tooked?

3 A verb form item on an objective test might look like this . . .
This presentation covers the use of standard regular and irregular verb forms. A verb form item on an objective test might look like this . . .

4 Sample Item Thomas sang along until the CD ended; then as A
he was choosing a new disk, he lost control of B the car and drived into a ditch. C sung chosing drove No change is necessary. Thomas sang along until the CD ended; then as A he was choosing a new disk, he lost control of B the car and drove into a ditch. C sung chosing drove No change is necessary. Thomas sang along until the CD ended; then as he was choosing a new disk, he lost control of the car and drived into a ditch. sung chosing drove No change is necessary. sung was chosing drove No change is necessary. Is sang, choosing, or drived a badly formed verb? Drived is incorrect, which option C fixes.

5 Regular verbs have reliable forms.
Infinitive Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle Present Participle to laugh laugh(s) laughed laughing to start start(s) started starting to travel travel(s) traveled traveling Or to fish, fish(es), fished, fished, fishing!

6 Irregular verbs, however, have no consistent patterns.
Infinitive Simple Present Simple Past Past Participle Present Participle to drive drive(s) drove driven driving to think think(s) thought thinking to drink drink(s) drank drunk drinking to swim swim(s) swam swum swimming For example, to catch, catch(es), caught, caught, catching!

7 On many objective exams, you cannot use a dictionary to look up the correct form!

8 When in doubt, rely on “gut” feelings.
Your eyes have seen in print — and your brain has registered — all of the possible verb forms that you will encounter for this skill. If you don’t recognize the right answer, go with the one that feels right. Hey, I’ve seen that verb before!

9 Don’t confuse of and have.
Instead of skipping class to go fishing, Yolanda should of studied for her accounting exam. Instead of skipping class to go fishing, Yolanda should have studied for her accounting exam. My grade was a disaster!

10 Confirm that used to is in the past tense.
Now that he’s older, Fred has a full-time job, but he used to spend his summers fishing. Now that he’s older, Fred has a full-time job, but he use to spend his summers fishing. You’re a bad influence!

11 Quick Test Directions: In the items that follow, choose the option that corrects an error in the underlined portion(s). If no error exists, choose “No change is necessary.” Show me what you know.

12 Item 1 We knew that Charley had hidden the cookies in A B
his bedroom, so we stole his key and searched in C all the dresser drawers. knowed hidden stealed No change is necessary. We knew that Charley had hid the cookies in his bedroom, so we stole his key and searched in all the dresser drawers. knowed hidden stealed No change is necessary. We knew that Charley had hid the cookies in A B his bedroom, so we stole his key and searched in C all the dresser drawers. knowed hidden stealed No change is necessary.

13 Item 2 If we had known that you were serving squid eyeball stew, we would of come for dinner! of came have came have come No change is necessary. If we had known that you were serving squid eyeball stew, we would of come for dinner! of came have came have come No change is necessary. If we had known that you were serving squid eyeball stew, we would of come for dinner! of came have came have come No change is necessary.

14 Item 3 Priscilla used to have a pet parakeet; her mother’s A
story is that the bird escaped and flew away, but B Priscilla believes that the cat ate it. C used flied eaten No change is necessary. Priscilla use to have a pet parakeet; her mother’s A story is that the bird escaped and flew away, but B Priscilla believes that the cat ate it. C used flied eaten No change is necessary. Priscilla use to have a pet parakeet; her mother’s story is that the bird escaped and flew away, but Priscilla believes that the cat ate it. used flied eaten No change is necessary. used flied eaten No change is necessary.

15 Item 4 Julissa was soaked during the afternoon thunderstorm because she had choosed to walk to school rather than drive. chosen choosen chose No change is necessary. Julissa was soaked during the afternoon thunderstorm because she had choosed to walk to school rather than drive. chosen choosen chose No change is necessary. Julissa was soaked during the afternoon thunderstorm because she had choosed to walk to school rather than drive. chosen choosen chose No change is necessary.

16 Item 5 James brought roses and begged forgiveness, but A
when Rhonda saw that her ex still hadn’t shaved B his ridiculous mustache, she shut the door in his C face. brought seen shutted No change is necessary. James brung roses and begged forgiveness, but when Rhonda saw that her ex still hadn’t shaved his ridiculous mustache, she shut the door in his face. brought seen shutted No change is necessary. James brung roses and begged forgiveness, but A when Rhonda saw that her ex still hadn’t shaved B his ridiculous mustache, she shut the door in his C face. brought seen shutted No change is necessary.

17 Item 6 If Toby had tooken Charlene’s advice, that bottle of soda wouldn’t have exploded all over the front of his new white shirt. took tooked taken No change is necessary. If Toby had tooken Charlene’s advice, that bottle of soda wouldn’t have exploded all over the front of his new white shirt. took tooked taken No change is necessary. If Toby had tooken Charlene’s advice, that bottle of soda wouldn’t have exploded all over the front of his new white shirt. took tooked taken No change is necessary.

18 Item 7 Cooper laid the 10-page paper on Professor A
Cook’s desk; he had written the last sentence at B 2:50 p.m., and then he ran across campus to C deliver the work by the 3 o’clock deadline. layed written run No change is necessary. Cooper laid the 10-page paper on Professor A Cook’s desk; he had wrote the last sentence at B 2:50 p.m., and then he ran across campus to C deliver the work by the 3 o’clock deadline. layed written run No change is necessary. Cooper laid the 10-page paper on Professor Cook’s desk; he had wrote the last sentence at 2:50 p.m., and then he ran across campus to deliver the work by the 3 o’clock deadline. layed written run No change is necessary. brought seen shutted No change is necessary.

19 Item 8 We would have knowen that Dr. Carlson had moved up the date of the quiz if we attended her calculus class more frequently. of knowen have known have knew No change is necessary. We would have knowen that Dr. Carlson had moved up the date of the quiz if we attended her calculus class more frequently. of knowen have known have knew No change is necessary. We would have knowen that Dr. Carlson had moved up the date of the quiz if we attended her calculus class more frequently. of knowen have known have knew No change is necessary.

20 Item 9 Margaret broke the cookie and gave half to A B
the young man stuck in the elevator with her; they told stories to pass the time as mechanics C worked on the hydraulics. broke gived telled No change is necessary. Margaret breaked the cookie and gave half to the young man stuck in the elevator with her; they told stories to pass the time as mechanics worked on the hydraulics. broke gived telled No change is necessary. Margaret breaked the cookie and gave half to A B the young man stuck in the elevator with her; they told stories to pass the time as mechanics C worked on the hydraulics. broke gived telled No change is necessary.

21 Item 10 Meredith would have went to the concert, but Gregory misplaced the tickets, which they still haven’t found. of went have gone have goed No change is necessary. Meredith would have went to the concert, but Gregory misplaced the tickets, which they still haven’t found. of went have gone have goed No change is necessary. Meredith would have went to the concert, but Gregory misplaced the tickets, which they still haven’t found. of went have gone have goed No change is necessary.

22 Grammar Bytes! provides additional handouts and exercises on irregular verb forms. Go to! chomp! chomp!

23 Don’t let the right verb form get away!
The End. Don’t let the right verb form get away!

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