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TABLE TALK Can you think of some passages/places in scripture that speak of God “Being WITH” His people? Or Jesus referring to the same idea in the Gospels?

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Presentation on theme: "TABLE TALK Can you think of some passages/places in scripture that speak of God “Being WITH” His people? Or Jesus referring to the same idea in the Gospels?"— Presentation transcript:


2 TABLE TALK Can you think of some passages/places in scripture that speak of God “Being WITH” His people? Or Jesus referring to the same idea in the Gospels? (HINTS: Think Garden of Eden, Fire/cloud in promise land, Jesus calling people to follow Him therefore being WITH Him, eating WITH sinners, preparing a place for us to be WITH Him….) Has anyone invested in your life in an intentional way helping you in your journey with the Lord? If so, what most impacting and why? What’s your reaction to seeing yourself as a “Mentor/tutor” for someone else helping them grow and change in their journey with the Lord?


4 Halverson notes on “Withness….”:
The fact is what Jesus was doing with the 12 wasn’t defined by a curriculum, but a life of daily interchange of questions/answers within community. It was about “reorienting loves” developing a different mindset vs. imparting a bunch of “how to’s”.


6 Reflection Is there a person you might consider being “With” more intentionally? To process things with, to investigate things with, to pray with, to take a step of faith with, etc…….If so, who and will you! Our life isn’t meant to just be about us!

7 Announcements: Pickup Training Opportunity
$10 if you have it (for the entire session)

8 Memory Verse: Mt 4:19 “Come, follow me, Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people”. 2 Tim 2:2 “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”

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