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English II September 6, 2017 Bellringer—

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1 English II September 6, 2017 Bellringer—
Instincts are our “gut feelings.” The feeling we get that tells us whether something is good or bad. In your journal write about a time that you trusted your instincts (your “gut feeling”) and were right to trust it.

2 ANNOUNCEMENTS Don’t forget that vocabulary is due on Friday!

3 Yesterday, we… Read “Harrison Bergeron.” We focused on the progression of the plot and how various literary elements assisted and/or enhanced the plot development.

4 Objectives Understand the elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support understanding. Evaluate the connection between narration and tone. Analyze textual context to distinguish between the connotative and denotative meanings of words. TEKS: E2.1B, 5C ELPS: c4B, c4D, c4G, c4H, c4J, c5D, c5F

5 Today we will… Begin reading Jack London’s “To Build a Fire.” We will focus on making predictions, how the author creates mood, and how the setting of the story helps create conflict.

6 Quick Review… Define… Setting Conflict Mood Tone

7 To Build a Fire We will read “To Build a Fire” together in class, stopping from time to time to discuss our observations. Please be sure that you are taking notes while we read, and please be prepared to read if called upon.

8 Homework Work on your vocabulary for the week. Due on Friday.

9 Tomorrow we will… Continue reading and analyzing Jack London’s “To Build a Fire.” We will focus particularly on tone, mood, setting, and conflict. There will be a test over “To Build a Fire” on Friday.

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