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Around the Social Document World

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Presentation on theme: "Around the Social Document World"— Presentation transcript:

1 Around the Social Document World
Documents 9-15

2 Color Guide Green = Latin name of document
Orange = English name of document Red = Author of Latin document Yellow = Author of English document White = Year of English document Blue = Year of Latin document Black = Content

3 What is the 7th principle of CST?
A: Care for God’s Creation

4 Who is the author of Laborem Excerns?
A: Pope JPII

5 What year was Familiaris Consortio written?

6 Who is the author of On the Hundredth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum?
A: Pope JPII

7 What is the 6th principle of CST?
A: Solidarity

8 What is the English name for Centesimus Annus?
A: On the Hundredth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum

9 What year was On Care for Our Common Home written?

10 What is the Latin name for On Social Concern?
A: Sollicitudo Rei Socialis

11 What anniversary was Laborem Excerns written on?
A: 90-year anniversary of Rerum Novarum

12 Who is the author of Familiaris Consortio?
A: Pope JPII

13 What year was Caritas in Veritate written?

14 Who is the author of On Human Work?
A: Pope JPII

15 Which document is primarily concerned with the 7th principle of CST?
A: Laudato Si’ (On Care for Our Common Home)

16 What is the English name for Sollicitudo Rei Socialis?
A: On Social Concern

17 What year was On the Christian Family in the Modern World written?

18 What is the Latin name for On the Christian Family in the Modern World?
A: Familiaris Consortio

19 What anniversary was Sollicitudo Rei Socialis written on?
A: 20-year anniversary of Populorum Progressio

20 Who is the author of Sollicitudo Rei Socialis?
A: Pope JPII

21 What year was Laudato Si’ written?

22 Who is the author of On the Christian Family in the Modern World?
A: Pope JPII

23 What year showed that CST can be effective when actually lived out?

24 What is the English name for Laudato Si’?
A: On Care for Our Common Home

25 What year was On Human Work written?

26 What is the Latin name for On Human Work?
A: Laborem Excerns

27 What anniversary was Centesimus Annus written on?
A: 100-year anniversary of Rerum Novarum

28 Who is the author of Caritas in Veritate?
A: Pope Benedict XVI

29 What year was Sollicitudo Rei Socialis written?

30 Who is the author of On Care for Our Common Home?
A: Pope Francis

31 What year was celebrated in Centesimus Annus?

32 What is the English name for Laborem Excerns?
A: On Human Work

33 What year was Charity in Truth written?

34 What is the Latin name for Economic Justice for All?
A: There isn’t one

35 What is the key to a truly peaceful society?
A: Justice

36 Who is the author of Centesimus Annus?
A: Pope JPII

37 What year was Centesimus Annus written?

38 Who is the author of On Social Concern?
A: Pope JPII

39 True or False? Business owners have a right to legitimate profit.
A: True

40 What is the English name for Familiaris Consortio?
A: On the Christian Family in the Modern World

41 What year was Economic Justice for All written?

42 What is the Latin name for On the Hundredth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum?
A: Centisimus Annus

43 Which is more important: Labor or Capital? Why?
A: Labor because it involves the person

44 Who is the author of Laudato Si’?
A: Pope Francis

45 What year was Laborem Excerns written?

46 Who is the author of Economic Justice for All?

47 True or False? Humans have a right to leave their native lands for various reasons and also the right to return in order to seek better conditions of life. A: True

48 What is the English name for Caritas in Veritate?
A: Charity in Truth

49 What year was On Social Concern written?

50 What is the Latin name for Charity in Truth?
A: Caritas in Veritate

51 What vocabulary word means to see others as neighbors and then want to help them?
A: Solidarity

52 Who is the author of Charity in Truth?
A: Pope Benedict XVI

53 What year was On the Hundredth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum written?

54 What is the Latin name for On Care for Our Common Home?
A: Laudato Si’

55 Which document celebrated the year 1989?
A: Centesimus Annus (On the Hundredth Anniversary of Rerum Novarum)

56 In our list of social documents, what makes Economic Justice for All unique?
A: It is specifically looking at the American situation

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