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Ebenezer Baptist Church

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1 Ebenezer Baptist Church
Thanks And Therefore Ebenezer Baptist Church

2 The Affirmation (vs. 50) Disturbing-what are we going to do? How do we get past the present? A seemingly hopeless circumstance for humanity. Encouraging-if not then then heaven would be just like earth, it might be a wonderful place but not for along after we arrived.

3 The Mystery Explained (vs. 51-52)
Not all will die We will be changed There is an order (I Thess. 4:13-18) The change will be an immediate. The change will be rapid. The change will be at the last trumpet. (Pretrib, Midtrib, Postrib)

4 The Transformation (vs. 53)
The corruption will put on incorruption (the putrification spiritually and physically will be destroyed) Unlike Lazarus All corrupt human systems changed I Corinthians 5:1-10 Mortal puts on immortality

5 The Victory Shout (vs. 54-56)
Death is swallowed up in victory “Oh death, where is your sting”-like that of a venomous scorpion or snake. “Oh grave, where is your victory”-death without a resurrection is final(the thesis of chapter 15) The sting of death the sin (Rom. 6) The strength of sin the law(Rom. 7:5ff)

6 The Thanks (vs. 57) Thanks be to God God’s greatest provision for humanity The victory has been provided through Christ at no expense to us

7 The Therefore (vs. 58) Be steadfast Be unmovable Always abounding in the work of the Lord Engaged doing His will Engaged promoting His glory Engaged advancing His kingdom Engaged diligently, laboring and excelling Your labor is not in vain

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