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بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم Financial Markets and Institutions 6th Edition

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1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم Financial Markets and Institutions 6th Edition
Jeff Maduraتدریس بر اساس کتاب مدرس: دکتر حسین صدقی دکترای اقتصاد مالی از دانشگاه لستر انگلستان نشر و توزیع: ویدرس تمامی حقوق محفوظ است

2 Role of Financial Markets and Institutions
CH1 Role of Financial Markets and Institutions

3 Chapter Objectives Describe the types of financial markets
Describe the role of financial institutions with financial markets Identify the types of financial institutions that facilitate transactions

4 Overview of Financial Markets
Financial markets provide for financial intermediation--financial savings (Surplus Units) to investment (Deficit Units) Financial markets provide payments system Financial markets provide means to manage risk To position risk and return for financial tools(the nature of financial market)

5 Overview of Financial Markets
Broad Classifications of Financial Markets Money versus Capital Markets Primary versus Secondary Markets Organized versus Over-the-Counter Markets

6 Primary vs. Secondary Markets
Trading Previously Issued Securities No New Funds for Issuer Provides Liquidity for Seller PRIMARY New Issue of Securities(IPO) Exchange of Funds for Financial Claim Funds for Borrower; an IOU for Lender

7 Money vs. Capital Markets
Short-Term, < 1 Year High Quality Issuers Debt Only Primary Market Focus Liquidity Market--Low Returns Capital Long-Term, >1Yr Range of Issuer Quality Debt and Equity Secondary Market Focus Financing Investment--Higher Returns

8 Organized vs. Over-the-Counter Markets
Visible Marketplace Members Trade Securities Listed New York Stock Exchange OTC Wired Network of Dealers No Central, Physical Location All Securities Traded off the Exchanges

9 Securities Traded in Financial Markets
Money Market Securities Debt securities Only Capital market securities Debt and equity securities Derivative Securities Financial contracts whose value is derived from the values of underlying assets Used for hedging (risk reduction) and speculation (risk seeking)

10 Debt vs. Equity Securities
Debt Securities: Contractual obligations (IOU) of Debtor (borrower) to Creditor (lender) Investor receives interest Capital gain/loss when sold Maturity date

11 Debt vs. Equity Securities
Equity Securities: Claim with ownership rights and responsibilities Investor receives dividends if declared Capital gain/loss when sold No maturity date—need market to sell

12 Valuation of Securities
Value a function of: Future cash flows When cash flows are received Risk of cash flows Present value of cash flows discounted at the market required rate of return(CAPM) Value determined by market demand/supply Value changes with new information

13 Financial Market Efficiency
Security prices reflect available information New information is quickly included in security prices Investors balance liquidity, risk, and return needs

14 Financial Market Regulation
To Promote Efficiency High level of competition Efficient payments mechanism Low cost risk management contracts Why Government Regulation?

15 Financial Market Regulation
To Maintain Financial Market Stability Prevent market crashes Circuit breakers Federal Reserve discount window Prevent Inflation--Monetary policy Prevent Excessive Risk Taking by Financial Institutions Why Government Regulation?

16 Financial Market Regulation
Why Government Regulation? To Provide Consumer Protection Provide adequate disclosure Set rules for business conduct To Pursue Social Policies Transfer income and wealth Allocate saving to socially desirable areas Housing Student loans

17 Financial Market Globalization
Increased international funds flow Increased disclosure of information Reduced transaction costs Reduced foreign regulation on capital flows Increased privatization Results: Increased financial integration--capital flows to highest expected risk-adjusted return

18 Role of Financial Institutions in Financial Markets
Information processing Serve special needs of lenders (liabilities) and borrowers (assets) By denomination and term By risk and return Lower transaction cost Serve to resolve problems of market imperfection

19 Role of Financial Institutions in Financial Markets
Types of Depository Financial Institutions Commercial Banks Savings Institutions Credit Unions

20 Types of Non-depository Financial Institutions
Insurance companies Mutual funds Pension funds Securities companies Finance companies Security pools

21 Role of Non-depository Financial Institutions
Focused on capital market Longer-term, higher risk intermediation Less focus on liquidity Less regulation Greater focus on equity investments

22 Trends in Financial Institutions
Rapid growth of mutual funds and pension funds Increased consolidation of financial institutions via mergers Increased competition between financial Institutions Growth of financial conglomerates

23 Global Expansion by Financial Institutions
International expansion International mergers Impact of the single European currency Emerging markets

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