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Tapering optimizations for TW level superconducting undulators:

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1 Tapering optimizations for TW level superconducting undulators:
summary of simulation results Claudio Emma, Paul Emma, Claudio Pellegrini, Juhao Wu SLAC July 2014

2 Simulation parameters and tapering optimisation
Undulator Radiation Beam Electron Beam λu = 1.9 cm λr = nm I0 = 4 kA K = 3.45 Prad = 5 MW εx,εy = 0.4/0.4 μm Lu = 70.3 m σrad,0 = 22 μm σe = 12.6 μm Nsec = 35 ZR,seed = 10 m E = 7.3 GeV lFODO = 4.14 m σγ = 1.7*10-4 ρ=9.8535*10-4 Lg1D = 89 cm Ming-Xie Parametrization Kq,0 = 47.5 T/m Lg3d = 0.99 m

3 Tapering Optimization Results
Time Independent Simulations Dashed-> NCU optimized for 200 m undulator Solid-> SCU optimized for 70 m undulator

4 Planar vs. Helical (parabolic electron dist.)

5 Time Dependent Results (parabolic)
Time dependent effects do not spoil bunching as they do after 200 m in NCU

6 Radiation and Coherence Properties
Coherence area much larger than radiation beam spot size

7 Comparison SCU vs. NCU time dependent sim’s
normalized to 3-D gain lengths NCU Lg1d = 1.85 m Lg3d = 1.98 m SCU Lg1d = 0.89 m Lg3d = 0.99 m

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