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Before We Begin.

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1 Before We Begin

2 If you could separate the world into different parts, how would you do it?
Think about things the Earth is made of, where it is, what is there, etc.


4 What are the Five Spheres:
1.) “Atmo”sphere 2.) “Geo”sphere 3.) “Hydro”sphere 4.) “Bio”sphere 5.) “Anthro”sphere

5 Sphere #1 Atmosphere Gaseous envelope surrounding the earth
Earth is only planet with free oxygen

6 Sphere #2 Geosphere The earth and it’s physical features and landscapes What happens on or below the earth’s surface

7 Sphere #3 Hydrosphere All water at or near the surface of the earth
Water is constantly recycled (groundwater, glaciers, oceans, freshwater etc.)

8 Sphere #4 Biosphere All living things supported on earth
All non-humans

9 Sphere #5 Anthrosphere All things that are human and/or involving human activities.

10 How do processes affect our four spheres?
Example: Volcano How does a volcano affect each sphere? Atmosphere Geosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere

11 Group Activity Each group will complete the following for your assigned event Group 1 – hurricane Group 2 – deforestation Group 3 – large scale mining project (ie. oil sands) Group 4 – asteroid hitting earth Group 5 – factories emitting Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere Geosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere

12 Understanding Society
When you hear the following, what comes to mind? Economic Political Social Environmental Technological

13 Understanding Society
Economic - money Political - government Social - humans living life Environmental – world/Earth Technological - science

14 Why are these important?
When making decisions people must think about all of these factors.

15 Economic Having to do with the dealings of supply & demand as governed by money based on the idea of infinite resources

16 Political Having to do with government level decision-making

17 Social Having to do with people/society including but not limited to culture, religion, lifestyles, etc.

18 Environmental Having to do with natural beings and ecosystems apart from humans based on a entity with finite resources

19 Technological Having to do with advances including but not limited to computers, medicine, science, etc.

20 Making Decisions - Example
Russia is currently invading Crimea, a part of Ukraine. Many people think that President Obama should send troops & help out Crimea? What do you think should be done? Analyze this decision based on the five areas of society.

21 Making Decisions – Your Turn
Climate change is a phenomena that most can agree is happening yet little action is being taken in the United States. What would you do to try and stop CC? Analyze this decision based on the five areas of society.

22 Worldviews - Ethics Biocentric - All species (and individuals) as having equal intrinsic value. Humans are not considered more important or worthy than any other species.

23 Worldviews - Ethics Ecocentric - Includes the biocentric world view but also stresses the importance of non-living factors of ecosystems. Connections among species within ecosystems are considered to be invaluable.

24 Worldviews - Ethics Anthropocentric - Humans as being more worthy than other species and uniquely disconnected from nature - importance and worth of everything is considered in terms of the impacts for human welfare

25 What is your worldview? A documentary came out called Blackfish, a story about orcas at Sea World. They uncovered that Sea World steals mothers & babies from their pods in the ocean. How do you feel about this? What worldview are you?

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