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Simulations of molecular properties, introduction, history, technical remarks Petr Bouř.

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1 Simulations of molecular properties, introduction, history, technical remarks
Petr Bouř

2 Lecture Plan A Classical Mechanics
A I. Classical mechanics and molecules A II. Molecular mechanics (MM) and molecular dynamics (MD) A III. Alternative formulations of Newton’s laws, Lagrange equations, Hamiltonan

3 B Quantum Mechanics B I. Origins of quantum mechanics B II. Quantum theory postulates B III. Heisenberg uncertainty relation B IV. Quantum-chemical computation B V. Electron: spin and angular momentum B VI. Quantum Mechanics of many particles B VII. Slater’s determinant B VIII. Born-Oppenheimer approximation

4 Quantum Chemistry C I. Hartree-Fock theory C II. Basis of atomic orbitals C III. Atomic and molecular orbitals, nomenclature C IV. Basis sets C V. Semi-empirical methods C VI. Perturbational computations C VII. Going from HF to the Schrödinger limit 1. Configuration interaction, Coupled Clusters 2. MP2 perturbation methods 3. Special methods

5 D Density Functional Theory (DFT)
D I. DFT Origins D II. Hellman-Feynman theorem D III. Thomas-Fermi model D IV. Thomas-Fermi-Dirac model D V. Hohenberg theorem D VI. Kohn-Sham Formulation D VII. DFT Functionals for Practical Computations D VIII. Integral Formulation of DFT

6 E Ab Initio Computations of Molecular Properties
E I. Strategy of ab initio computations E II. Potential energy surfaces E III. Electromagnetic field and Maxwall Equations E IV. Multipole Expansions E VI. Electrodynamic and Schrodinger Equations E V. Molecule in Static Electric Field E VII. Molecule in a Static Magnetic Field

7 E VIII. Vibrational Molecular States
1. Harmonic approximation 2. Vibrational Energy 3. Vibrational Transitions 4. Anharmonic Frequencies E IX. Absorption Spectra Typical Computations of IR Spectrum using the Gaussian Program E X. Applications of the Hessian E XI. Raman spectra E XII. Vibrational cirkular dichroism (VCD) E XIII. Raman optical aktivity (ROA)

8 E VIII. Vibrational Molecular States
1. Harmonic approximation 2. Vibrational Energy 3. Vibrational Transitions 4. Anharmonic Frequencies

9 E XIV. Interpretation of NMR spectra, nuclear magnetic shielding
E XV. Spin-Spin Dipolar interactions

10 E XVI. UV-vis Spectroscopy
E XVII. Solvent Models Appendix: Vector Algebra

11 Historical development of computer simulations
􀂃Began as tool to exploit computing machines developed during World War II 􀂃MANIAC (1952) at Los Alamos used for computer simulations (John von Neuman)

12 Historical development of computer simulations
􀂃Metropolis, Rosenbluth, Teller (1953): Metropolis Monte Carlo method 􀂃

13 Historical development of computer simulations
􀂃Alder and Wainwright (Livermore National Lab, 1956/1957): dynamics of hard spheres 􀂃Vineyard (Brookhaven ): dynamics of radiation damage in copper 􀂃Rahman (Argonne 1964): liquid argon

14 Historical development of computer simulations
􀂃Application to more complex fluids (e.g. water) in 1970s 􀂃Car and Parrinello (1985 and following): ab-initioMD 􀂃Since 1980s: Many applications, including: 􀂃Karplus, Goddard et al.: Applications to polymers/biopolymers, proteins since 1980s 􀂃Applications to fracture since mid 1990s to 2000 􀂃Other engineering applications (nanotechnology, e.g. CNTs, nanowires etc.) since mid 1990s-2000

15 MM QM Simulations – general division
”Ab Initio” –Schrodinger equation, HF, DFT, CCSDT .. “Empirical” – CNDO, PM3, … also DFT MD/classical mechanics (Newton) Any combinations possible -e.g. reaction center in enzyme QM, rest MM/MD MM QM

16 Control questions Write and solve the Newton equation of motion for a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator. Write an expression of energy of a water molecule suitable for molecular dynamics. Explain the symbols/terms. What is the difference the Monte Carlo method and molecular dynamics; what do they have in common? What is the difference between molecular dynamics and molecular mechanics? What are the restrictions of molecular dynamics, in comparison to quantum dynamics? What are the advantages of MD? Write and solve the Schrdinger equation for a free particle in one-dimensional potential well. Write and solve the Schrdinger equation for a harmonic oscillator and discuss the solution (no derivation). Write the Slater determinant (D) for two electrons in to spinorbitals 1 a 2. What is the Born-Oppenheimer approximation? What is the spin of an electron?

17 Control questions What is the spin of an electron? Write the Schrdinger equation for the hydrogen molecule, explain the symbols. What is neglected in Hartree-Fock equations, if compared to the Schrdinger equation? Why is solving the HF equations so difficult? Compare the computational times for MP2 and HF computations. How is it dependent on the number of atomic orbitals? What is configuration interaction? What is the Hellmann-Feynman theorem? If a Hamiltonian of a molecule contains expressions with electron density and its gradient only, can we describe this method as LDA? What does the Kohn-Hohenberg theorem say? What is the difference between Kohn-Sham and Hartree-Fock equations? Which are closer to the Schrodinger equation? Compare the general quality of the HF, MP2, MP4, Becke3LYP, LDA, BPW91 levels of approximation.

18 Control questions Compare the quality of the 3-21G, 6-31G, 4-31G, 6-31G**, and 6-31G* basis sets. What are the definitions of the electric dipole moment and magnetic dipole moment? What is the multipole expansion, when is it reasonable to apply it? What is the electric polarizability and how it can be obtained from the wavefunction? What is the chemical shielding tensor (NMR) and how it can be obtained from the wavefunction? What forces experience atomic nuclei in a molecule put into magnetic field? Can you estimate their magnitude?

19 Control questions Why are NMR spectral line (sometimes) split? Write the vibrational Hamiltonian of a molecule in the harmonic approximation. How are the vibrational normal mode coordinates defined, what is their meaning? What determines the absorption intensity in the infrared spectrum? Which would give a bigger signal, C-H or C=O stretching? Write typical steps in simulation of infrared spectrum, e.g. of ethanol. What are the advantages for experiment and simulation of the infrared spectroscopy, if compared to Raman scattering? What are the advantages of VCD spectroscopy if compared to IR? Which kind of information and how can you find based on the VCD spectrum of a compounds (providing you know the summary formula)? What is atomic polar and atomic axial tensor? How to calculate it? What is the principle of the ROA spectroscopy, what do have IR and ROA spectra of the same molecule in common?

20 Uveřejněné materiály jsou určeny studentům Vysoké školy chemicko-technologické v Praze jako studijní materiál. Některá textová i obrazová data v nich obsažená jsou převzataz veřejných zdrojů. V případě nedostatečných citací nebylo cílem autora/ů záměrně poškodit event. autora/y původního díla. S eventuálními výhradami se prosím obracejte na autora/y konkrétního výukového materiálu, aby bylo možné zjednat nápravu. The published materials are intended for students of the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague as a study material. Some text and image data contained therein are taken from public sources. In the case of insufficient quotations, the author's intention was not to intentionally infringe the possible author(s) rights to the original work. If you have any reservations, please contact the author(s) of the specific teaching material in order to remedy the situation.

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