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Missing B-tracks in L1 trigger

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1 Missing B-tracks in L1 trigger
13 April 2019 Federica Legger

2 Summary Motivations Method used L1 flow and main failures
Breakdown for some representative channels Results A case study: Bd  p+ p- L1 failures correlation Origin of the decision tracks Status and plans 13 April 2019

3 Motivations Post-TDR study to better understand L1 behaviour
LHCb trigger TDR (September 2003) TDR L1 efficiencies… or inefficiencies: why do we lose 37.3% of the events for Bd  p+ p- (easy channel)?? Some bugs corrected after TDR Post-TDR study to better understand L1 behaviour 13 April 2019

4 What I did…(I) Take some representative channels, and select events which pass L0 and the offline selection ( reconstructible), but that are rejected by L1 Hadronic Muon Electro magnetic 13 April 2019

5 …what I did… (II) Look for signal decay tree (MC Truth);
Consider B daughter which is more likely to trigger: In the cases where there are more than one particle with the same probability to trigger (Bd  p+ p-), I consider the one with the highest Pt; Bd  p+ p- Bs  Ds k Bd  F Ks Bs  J/ (m+ m-) F Bs  J/ (e+ e-) F Bd  K* g 13 April 2019

6 …what I did (III) Associate MC particle to L1 2D and 3D tracks;
Look what happened to signal track and see why it didn’t trigger; Classify events according to trigger failures; Study of L1 failures correlations in Bd  p+ p- (both pions taken in account). 13 April 2019

7 L1 flow (I) r z (r,z) plane Match L0 m to 2D tracks (2<16)
VELO hits (r,z) plane z r NO 2D Reco YES 2D PV, IP2D Match L0 m to 2D tracks (2<16) IP2D cut .15 <IP2D< 3 mm NO NO Muon YES YES 3D Reco NO YES Track rejected 3D PV, IP3D 13 April 2019

8 L1 flow (II) m match to retrieve tracks for dimuon mass bonus (out of scope) Backward, Weird IP (-2<IP3D<5mm), IP3D cut (.15<IP3D<2mm) NO YES Match to TT or m (Pt) If not assign default 400 MeV/c PT, IPS One of the two highest Pt track (PT1 and PT2) Decision track NO YES Track rejected L1 Plane cut D > L1 equivalent 4% min. bias ret. D YES NO L1 YES L1 NO 13 April 2019

9 L1 code TDR baseline version + some bugs fixed (PVZ @ 100mm)
No bonus system (dimuon mass, electron and g transverse energies) No multiple PV treatment (implemented in new L1 code) TDR now PVZ PVZ 13 April 2019

10 L1 flow (I) Main failures Lost@2D Lost@3D 1 2 VELO hits 2D Reco 2D PV,
NO 2D Reco YES 2D PV, IP2D 1 IP2D cut .15 <IP2D< 3 mm NO NO Muon YES YES 3D Reco NO YES 2 Track rejected 3D PV, IP3D 13 April 2019

11 L1 flow (II) Main failures Lost@3D Low PT Small D 3 4 Backward,
Weird IP (-2<IP3D<5mm), IP3D cut (.15<IP3D<2mm) NO YES Main failures PT, IPS Low PT 3 Decision track NO YES Track rejected L1 Plane cut D > L1 equivalent 4% min. bias ret. Small D 4 YES NO L1 YES L1 NO 13 April 2019

12 Main failures To be treated separately Main loss (~60%) ~10% ~10% ~15%
Bd  p+ p- Bs  Ds K Bd  F Ks Bs  J/ (e+e-) F Bd  K* g 13 April 2019

13 2. Tracks lost at 2D B daughter MC truth Lost@2D IP2D cut Or Muon
2D track Correct Wrong 2. Tracks lost at 2D 13 April 2019

14 Tracks lost at 2D Absolute Relative Main loss ~20% OK Bd  p+ p-
Bs  Ds K Bd  F Ks Bs  J/ (e+e-) F Bd  K* g 13 April 2019

15 3. Tracks lost at 3D B daughter MC truth Lost@2D IP2D cut Or Muon
2D track Correct Wrong IP3D cut 3D track 3. Tracks lost at 3D Correct Wrong 13 April 2019

16 Tracks lost at 3D Absolute Relative Main loss ~2% Bd  p+ p- Bs  Ds K
Bd  F Ks Bs  J/ (e+e-) F Bd  K* g 13 April 2019

17 4. Tracks lost because of low Pt
MC truth B daughter Low PT IP2D cut Or Muon Default Pt 400 MeV/c Measured low Pt 2D track Correct Wrong Correct Wrong 4. Tracks lost because of low Pt IP3D cut 3D track Correct Wrong 13 April 2019

18 Tracks lost because of low PT
Absolute Relative Main loss (~10%) insignificant Bd  p+ p- Bs  Ds K Bd  F Ks Bs  J/ (e+e-) F Bd  K* g 13 April 2019

19 5. Tracks lost because of small D
MC truth 5. Tracks lost because of small D B daughter Low PT IP2D cut Or Muon Default Pt 400 MeV/c Measured low Pt 2D track Correct Wrong Correct Wrong Small D IP3D cut 3D track PT1 PT2 Correct Wrong Correct Wrong Correct Wrong 13 April 2019

20 Tracks lost because of small D
Correct > Wrong Correct < Wrong Almost 100% no measured Pt 13 April 2019

21 Tracks lost because of small D
B track is more likely to be PT1 Bd  p+ p- Bs  Ds K Bd  F Ks Bs  J/ (e+e-) F Bd  K* g 13 April 2019

22 Summary for all channels but muons
MC truth Summary for all channels but muons 60% B daughter 13% Low PT 12% 3% IP2D cut Or Muon Default Pt 400 MeV/c Measured low Pt 2D track 37% 20% 0% 1% 12% Correct Wrong 15% Correct Wrong Small D 10% IP3D cut 3D track PT1 PT2 1% 1% 10% 2% 2% 1% Correct Wrong Correct Wrong Correct Wrong 13 April 2019

23 L1 Design vs. Resolution failures
(correct boxes) (wrong+failed) Best channel 50%, 50% Enhanced by bonus... Bd  p+ p- Bs  Ds K Bd  F Ks Bs  J/ (m+m-) F Bs  J/ (e+e-) F Bd  K* g 13 April 2019

24 Results (I) Main failure: Main loss at 3D: IP2D p+ IP2D e+
IP2D cut ~60%, wrong (40%) + correct (~20%) Main loss at 3D: failed 3D reco (~8%), worse than failed 2D reco (~3%), could also be the associator (MCParticle2L1Track) IP cut IP cut IP2D p+ IP2D e+ 13 April 2019

25 Results (II) IP3D cut not very significative (~2%)
No decision track because Pt is too low (~10%): no measured Pt (~100%) failed TT reco Rejected decision tracks (~15%) : if PTMC we would gain ~5% of the evts. IP3D p+ IP3D e+ IP cut 13 April 2019

26 The muon channel L0 Muons (63%) go to 3D reco even if they do not pass the IP2D cut (73%) 10% evts lost at 2D (3% wrong) Main loss at 3D: IP3D cut (61%) 99% were L0 muons 13% evts wrongly rejected These tracks could be later use for dimuon mass bonus (out of scope) Low Pt tracks: 3% No decision track: 18% Worst design (71% vs. 29%) BONUS system 13 April 2019

27 A case study: Bd  p+ p- ! L1 failures
Consider the two pions to study failures correlation ! L1 failures NO2D No 2D track NO3D No 3D track IP2D doesn’t pass IP2D cut and is not a m PT1 Leading track PT2 2nd leading track LOWPT Not one of the two leading tracks IP3D doesn’t pass IP3D cut 13 April 2019

28 A case study: Bd  p+ p- IP2D cut  Main loss is Even if other
track is PT1!! 13 April 2019

29 Origin of the decision tracks
Bd  p+ p- L0 && !L1 && SEL L0 && L1 && SEL 13 April 2019

30 PT1 PT2 L0 && !L1 && SEL L0 && L1 && SEL 13 April 2019

31 Status and plans Study completed; Note with full results almost ready;
Write a Tool to automatically flag trigger failures and include it into new L1 code. 13 April 2019

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